Home Remedies For Treatment Of Plantar Fasciitis

Home Remedies For Treatment Of Plantar Fasciitis

One of the most common types of heel pain is caused by a condition called Plantar Fasciitis, which is the swelling of a ligament called Plantar Fascia on the underside of your foot. A whopping 10% of the people in the entire world suffer from this condition.

Sometimes, the pain can even become chronic. However, there are simple ways to deal with it. Read further to find out treatment of plantar fasciitis at home.

Plantar Fasciitis: An Overview

This condition is caused whenever you put excessive strain on your feet. It is most common in middle-aged people, but it can also affect younger adults who are on their feet for long periods, like athletes. Repeated straining can cause small tears in the ligament which can lead to chronic pains.

Home Treatment Of Plantar Fasciitis

Even when you visit a doctor, the first solution they give you is steps you can take to treat the pain on your own. Some of these are mentioned below.

Rest Your Feet: Ensure that you give your feet ample amount of rest. If any activity is causing pain, avoid it.

Support Your Feet: The best way to do this is by wearing supportive footwear that has a good heel cushioning and arch support. You can even buy shoe inserts to put into your footwear instead of buying expensive shoes for treatment of plantar fasciitis.

Use A Cold Pack: Using ice or a cold pack can reduce the inflammation and ease the pain. Don’t apply ice directly on your feet, always wrap it in a towel. You can also alternatively use frozen peas or grapes wrapped in a towel for the same effect.

Give It Some Heat: If ice doesn’t help with the symptoms even after two or three days, you can try a heating pad or a hot water bag to relieve pain. Doctors recommend that you use both heat and cold presses alternatively for best results. Sometimes, heat alone can worsen your symptoms. So ensure that after taking a hot bath, you rinse your feet with some cold water to reduce the pain for effective treatment of plantar fasciitis.

Over-The-Counter Medication: Some NSAIDs (Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs) and other analgesics can help reduce the pain as well. You can also apply creams and sprays on the heel to get relief. But make sure that you read and follow all the instructions given on the medication carefully.

Splints: Wearing splints overnight can help stretch the Plantar Fascia and also the Achilles tendon to avoid them from getting stiff by morning.

Stretching Exercises: Some exercises help stretch the Plantar Fascia and the Achilles tendon next to it to increase their flexibility and are a great remedy for the treatment of Plantar Fasciitis. You can also try exercises that strengthen the muscles in your ankle and foot to get a better arch support. Try some of the ones mentioned down below to help with the pain and treatment of plantar fasciitis.

  • After waking up in the morning, sit up with your legs stretched and hold your feet. Gently pull them towards you for about 30 seconds. Repeat this two to three times.
  • Before putting your feet down, stretch your feet, legs, calf, and toes to loosen the muscles before you get up from your bed.
  • Stand in front of a wall at an arm’s length. Rest your affected foot slightly ahead and knee bent while you rest your other foot behind you. Move your hips forward by pressing them with your hands gently while you keep your feet straight. Repeat this ten times. Do at least two sets of this in a day.
  • Roll a bottle of frozen water or a golf ball under your foot from the front to the back. Keep doing this for two to three minutes once every day.

If you want more exercises, then consult with a professional trainer or your doctor.

Foot Massage: Give your feet a massage whenever you feel pain because of Plantar Fasciitis. Regular massaging of your feet can increase blood circulation and reduce the tension in the ligament. You can try using some olive, sesame, or coconut oil on the lower part of your feet and heels to gently massage the area. Do this at least two times in a day, especially before heading to bed. You can also alternatively use an electric massager to reduce the pain.

Epsom Salt: This is a popular substance that carries many health benefits. Adding a couple of tablespoons of this in a warm bath and resting your feet in this can extensively help with the pain. Do this several times in a week to help with the pain.

Ginger And Turmeric: Turmeric and ginger have natural anti-inflammatory and pain relieving properties. Mix some turmeric in warm milk along with honey and drink it, or add some ginger to water and boil it for a while before drinking it. Include them in your daily food as they can help reduce chronic inflammation and pain proving to be an effective treatment of plantar fasciitis.

Any or a combination of two or more of these treatments of Plantar Fasciitis can help reduce the pain in your feet. If they seem to have little or no effect, make sure that you consult with a doctor to get professional treatment.

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