How to Cure a Urinary Tract Infection at Home

How to Cure a Urinary Tract Infection at Home

UTI occurs when there is an uncontrollable growth of bacteria in the bladder. This is an infection that can happen to anyone. However, it is most commonly seen in women.

Before we know the about how to cure urinary tract infection, let us know about its causes. Bacteria enter through the urethra and attach to the bladder. The infection starts spreading as the bacteria multiply. This causes symptoms like frequent urination, cramping in the abdomen, and pain while urinating. You need to treat these symptoms with medication or home remedies.

If you treat it at home, you will not have to worry about having any side effects. These home treatments are very simple and will get you feeling better in no time.

You need to know how to cure a urinary tract infection at home. Here are nine ways in which you can fight the infection and recover quickly.

Drink More Fluids

One of the most common solutions yo how to cure urinary tract infection is consuming more fluids. This will help flush out the bacteria. You can either drink plenty of water or have fruit juices. Urine is filled with waste from the body and is acidic. Drinking more water will dilute it. This way you will not experience pain while urinating. Have a glass of water before every meal. Have at least 12 glasses of water a day. This is sure to help treat the UTI.

Heating Pads

If your bladder infection is severe, you are sure to have a mild pain in the abdomen. This will cause you discomfort as it is persistent and may be severe in some cases. If the other methods or medication is not helping, you can use heating pads to soothe the dull ache caused by the UTI.

Urinate Frequently

It is best not to hold it when you need to urinate. This will further lead to other complications. Use the restroom often as it will help flush out the bacteria. This way the infection is prevented from spreading. As one of the home remedies is drinking more water, it will increase the frequency at which you urinate.

Stay Clean And Dry

It is important that you stay clean at all times. You can even take a bath twice a day. Keep yourself clean by using the best products in the market. Also, ensure that you keep yourself dry. Wear clothes that are loose-fitted so that you don’t sweat too much. It is best to wear cotton underwear. Wearing fitted clothes will only increase your discomfort. Maintaining hygiene and being cautious can help fight UTI.

Vitamin C

This particular vitamin was found to help inhibit the growth of the bacteria along the tract. It makes urine acidic and also helps increase the immune system. Vitamin C is prescribed to pregnant women who suffer from UTI. It shows immediate results and reduces the infection considerably. You can increase your Vitamin C intake by having more citrus fruits on a daily basis.

Cranberry Juice

Another one of the most common solutions to how to cure urinary tract infection is cranberry juice. Studies have shown that cranberry juice can help fight UTI in the long run. It was found to manage the bacteria and prevents spread of infection. Have cranberry juice every day to fight UTI. You can make it yourself or buy it from stores. Either way, it is sure to help you fight UTI.


It has a compound called allicin that has anti-microbial effects. It is known to fight the bacteria that cause UTI. It also helps fight other fungal infections as well. The compound that helps fight the bacteria is most active when the garlic is crushed. You can add garlic to most dishes. It is one of the most efficient ways in which you can eliminate UTI.

Oregano Oil

This oil has antibacterial properties that inhibit the growth of the E.coli bacteria. This is the most common type of bacteria that cause UTI. It is said to have a healing effect on bacterial infections. This oil has been tested and proven to have healing powers. It is a cure that may be more effective than any prescription drugs. It does not cause bacterial resistance, and you will not experience any side effects either.

Clove Oil

Clove oil has antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral properties. It helps the body fight against any type of microbial infection. Another added benefit is its anti-inflammatory effect. Clove oil when taken internally will reduce the pain and discomfort caused by UTI. It is best to consult a nutritionist before including it in your diet.

The above remedies are sure to help you recover faster. But more importantly, you need to eliminate any foods and lifestyle habits that can aggravate the infection. This includes any drinks with caffeine, carbonated drinks, artificial sweeteners, and spicy food. They will only alleviate your discomfort. Also, stay away from alcohol and smoking till you completely recover.

It is better to have foods that are high in carbohydrates as they aid in digestion. It is essential to stay hydrated throughout the day. By keeping these pointers in mind, you will know how to cure a urinary tract infection.

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