How to Relieve Your Kids from Allergies

How to Relieve Your Kids from Allergies

Allergic reactions affect everyone. Kids, infants, and toddlers are no exceptions. Your child could suffer from any of the numerous allergies. Identify the trigger, and consult with your pediatrician to find the right treatment.

What are allergic reactions?
Allergic reactions are the first signs of the body’s defense mechanism, kickstarting its work. The immune system releases a chemical called histamine which stimulates the body to display signals in the form of allergic reactions like—sneezing, running nose, rashes, etc.

Histamine might help the body block or kick out invasive substances, but severe allergic reactions can be harmful. That is why people with allergies are prescribed antihistamines, which suppress the reactions caused by histamines.

Allergies in kids
Allergic reactions in kids can include skin symptoms like hives and rashes. These are caused by allergens like insect stings, animal dander, etc. Allergies can also manifest themselves in the form of respiratory symptoms like—blocked nose, itchy eyes, sneezing and coughing. Severe reactions can trigger anaphylactic shock, which can be fatal.

Some common allergic reactions:

  • Rashes or hives
  • Itchy skin
  • Bumpy, inflamed red spots
  • Sneezing
  • Running nose
  • Nasal congestion
  • Coughing
  • Itchy, watery eyes
  • Wheezing

If the reaction is severe, and it develops into anaphylaxis, you might notice these symptoms:

  • Swollen throat, tongue or face
  • Dizziness
  • Cramps, nausea, and vomiting
  • Diarrhoea
  • Your child may even become unconscious

If you notice any of these severe symptoms, emergency medical attention is required, so rush your child to a hospital.

Kids allergy relief

Consult your pediatrician about your kid’s allergies, and try to identify the common triggers. Once you find what causes the reaction, do your best to keep your child away from triggers. Knowing the best kids allergy relief is of utmost importance.

If your pet is causing allergies:

  • You may have to consider giving your pets away
  • If the allergy is not severe, you could give the pets frequent wash and brush to keep them free of dander
  • Limit the contact the child has with animals

If insect bites cause an allergic reaction:

  • Keep your surroundings clean and use insect sprays to keep bugs at bay.
  • In the child’s room, use sprays and natural repellents that he/she is not allergic to, to protect them from bites and stings.

If your child is allergic to pollen, dust, etc.:

  • Seasonal allergies like a reaction to pollen can cause a lot of discomfort, because there is no easy way to eliminate these from your child’s environment.
  • You can try to isolate your child from areas where there are a lot of flowers.
  • Make your child wear a face mask, that filters out allergens.
  • Use antihistamines to counter the allergy.
  • Instruct her/him on taking medications if she is at school or on an outdoor trip.
  • If your kid is allergic to dust, send them to the other room while you clean one

If your kid is allergic to certain food items:

  • Eliminate that from the diet.
  • Teach your kid to look for ingredients in ice creams or other products that might contain allergens, for instance, peanuts,
  • Inform the school of your kid’s allergies
  • If you are attending a party or hosting one, ensure that the caterers have prepared foods that are free of the allergens.

If your child is prone to Anaphylaxis:

  • Eliminate the allergens from his/her environment
  • Inform his/her school, friends, and others about his/her allergies
  • Always keep an injection ready
  • Put the shot in the school bag along with instructions

General precautions for kids allergy relief

  • Keep antihistamines ready at hand always
  • Ensure that you get the right medicine and dosage for the child’s age
  • Check the expiration date; people tend to do this if they get the medicine during an emergency
  • Keep nasal sprays and inhalers on hand if your child suffers from respiratory allergic reactions
  • Inhalers can be lifesavers; they help to clear congestions and make your child breathe freely again. Instruct your child on how to use inhalers properly
  • Consult your doctor on immunotherapy
  • There are allergy shots that can be given to your child, to desensitize them to allergens like pet dander, pollen, insect bites, and mold
    Eventually, these shots might help the child overcome severe reaction to these triggers

Few natural remedies for kids allergy relief

  • Make a gentle saline solution and get your child to sniff this solution up one nostril and then let it out through the other, to clear nasal congestion.
  • If your child has come into contact with an allergen that triggers skin rash, make him/her take a hot bath. This clears away traces of the allergen stuck to his body and also soothes the itching and rashes.
  • Mix a teaspoonful of apple cider vinegar to a glass of water. Make the child drink this liquid two or three times a day. It helps suppress allergic reactions.
  • Include foods that prevent inflammation, in your child’s diet. Foods like walnut, fish, and flaxseed can help develop resistance to allergies.
  • Add nettle leaves to boiling water and steep for 15 minutes. Filter this, add honey and give it to the child when he is suffering from an allergy. Nettle has good antihistamine properties.
  • Taking raw, unprocessed honey before an allergy season (in case of allergens like pollen) can help build up resistance to these allergens.

These are just some of the ideas to help find kids allergy relief in natural ways. Consult your doctor and a naturopathic practitioner, to find more effective kids allergy reliefs.

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