Know in Details about Vitamins for Energy

Know in Details about Vitamins for Energy

Feeling low or sluggish and exhausted all the time, unable to concentrate on the tasks at hand, there may be a chance that you lack the proper vitamin intake needed to give you sustained energy levels. Low levels of critical vitamins like Vitamin B, B12, B2, B3, folic acid, etc. may be hampering your ability to work and give your best performance, whether at work or otherwise.

The sluggish and the fast-paced lifestyle, with improper sleep and living patterns along with a poor diet can also lead to several vitamin deficiencies that may cause for us to feel tired and demotivated throughout the day.

Though the body is capable of making most of the essential nutrients that our body needs, vitamins are some essential substances which our body cannot make up on its own, but are needed to support the growth and proper functioning of our body, hence we derive them from our food intake. Having the right amount of vitamins for energy ensures that our body has what it needs to be active and attentive in performing day to day work. Where these vitamins for energy are in deficiency, then there arises a need to obtain them through artificial means in the form of tablets and supplements.

We start off with the most crucial and essential vitamin that the body needs, i.e., B vitamins called the metabolism vitamin. These are popularly categorized individually in the following series as per the compound order – Vitamin B1 – Thiamin, Vitamin B2 – Riboflavin, Vitamin B3 – Niacin, Pantothenic Acid, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B7 – Biotin, Folic Acid and Vitamin B12 and if found collectively are known as Vitamin B complex. The Thiamin found naturally in milk, nuts, peas, spinach, etc. supports our nervous system and ensures its proper functioning. The Riboflavin helps the production of vitamins for energy.

The deficiency of these B Vitamins may lead to the following effects on your health macrocytic anemia, insomnia, weakness, diarrhea, beriberi, mental issues, and aggression. Vitamin B 12 is a

vitamin that acts on the brain and nervous system. It is also easily soluble in water thereby causing an increase in the vitamins for energy levels and stamina one possesses. When in fatigue, a dose of vitamin B12 can provide a rescue.

The other common vitamin Is Vitamin C. it is also known as L ascorbic acid but is commonly and popularly referred to as Vitamin C. This is a common cold supplement and is effective on the immune system. It also helps tackle muscle soreness and reduces pain. If fatigue is accompanied along with the symptoms of cold, a high dose of Vitamin C is beneficial.

Magnesium is a specific mineral that can fight fatigue. It is a crucial vitamin to out blood system and is a commonly deficient mineral amongst adults. The stress caused by the modern living and the stress, signal the body towards a deficiency of magnesium. A weekly consumption along with a medical dosage supplement by the doctor helps fight the stress hormones and the extreme tiredness.

Vitamin B9 or folic acid can be taken in tablet form. A working brain needs a regular supplement of folic acid. The feeling of confusion, depression, and reduced brain functioning are a sign of folic acid deficiency. This results in a general mental fatigue. This helps tackle the feeling of faintness and extreme tiredness. The feeling of being out of breath for no reason can be a sign of deficiency of this vitamin. Folic acid is found in foods such as beans, spinach, and avocado.

Vitamin A is important for the eye health and maintaining your energy levels. It is also a powerful antioxidant and helps you keep your vital systems into working along with helping you look young and free you from premature aging.

Vitamin K2, often ignored, is a vitamin that helps you keep the feeling of vitality in check. Thiamine is an important mineral as it processes the sugar and gives you all the energy. This helps support major organs of your body. For energy levels, you cannot ignore Niacin as well.

While mainly vitamins are for energy, they need to be taken only when they are deficient, as there excess in the body is also not beneficial. So if you get your levels checked and have no vitamin deficiency in your body, then try some of these methods like meditation that helps increase focus and reduce stress, exercise daily to boost energy levels, take at least 7-8 hours of rest and sleep in a day take power naps if possible to increase your attention span, stay hydrated by having lots of liquid and herbal teas, avoiding carbonated and sugary drinks and having a balanced diet reducing on carb consumptions

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