Natural Methods to Get Rid of a Runny Nose

Natural Methods to Get Rid of a Runny Nose

A runny nose also called rhinorrhea is the condition of your nostrils keeping on discharging a fluid type substance. The main reason behind a runny nose is inflammation and congestion in the nasal passage and sinuses linings. Viral infection causes this condition and it is also popularly called cold. Other reasons that result in the swelling are a sinus infection, flu or allergy. The mucus production becomes persistent in your nose membranes clean up this mucus for fighting infections. At certain occasions, the mucus production immediately increases as a part of clearing away allergens and viruses. Learn about the best runny nose remedy options.

Steam inhalation
It is a very popular and effective remedy for the runny and stuffy nose. As the steam is inhaled, the mucus becomes loosened up, and your nose can be blown off to clear the mucus and congestion. Some people use the steam from plain hot water, but herbal steam is the most effective choice. Herbal steam can be made by adding herbs and essential oils like ginger, thymol, pine oil, mint, eucalyptus, ginger, and camphor. You can do steam inhalation with the help of hot water and towel. The bowl should be filled halfway using hot water, and your face needs to be tilted in the downward direction towards the bowl. The towel has to be kept over your head and by keeping the towel in the same position using both hands, and the steam should be inhaled without allowing it to escape. You have to close your eyes, and deep breaths must be taken to allow the steam to enter your nose. This method is an excellent option to deal with a runny nose, and nasal congestion can be easily eliminated.

If your nose turns runny because of sinus infection or sinusitis and is caused by some fungi, virus or bacteria; onion is a very good option. Onion is a rich source of sulfur that has very powerful antibacterial properties. Because of this sulfur, tears are produced when you cut onion. Onion gets engaged in the process of loosening up the mucus and it expels the fluid in an easy way to provide relief from a runny nose. You can smell an onion for treating a mild sinus infection. Tea can be prepared as well to get relief. First of all, you need to take one or two onions and they should be cut into thin slices. Add the onion pieces to a bowl of hot boiling water. Boil it for 5 minutes and then take a steam. This will bring a runny nose remedy.

Horseradish contains mustard oil, and it is one of the best remedy available to get rid of a runny nose. Mustard oil is a natural chemical also called isothiocyanates, and it is released by plants when they are chewed or crushed. Other good sources of this oil are nasturtium flowers and Japanese wasabi. Horseradish has mucolytic properties that assist you in draining off sinuses and nose. In addition to the presence of the volatile oils, horseradish also has anti-microbial properties that are extremely beneficial in treating infections. It also contains large amounts of sulfur and the sulfur makes it a highly powerful anti-bacterial agent. You can use horseradish in many ways. Hold it in the mouth is a good option. Fresh horseradish root should be taken and it should be grated before placing it in your mouth. You need to keep it there until the flavor vanishes and this method clears mucus from the nasal passage in the best manner. When the flavor is gone, it can be swallowed. This method allows you to clear mucus from the throat as well. You can begin with a pinch of grated horseradish, and if it does not offer the expected results, the amount can be increased up to 1 teaspoon.

Flavored herbal tea
Most of the remedies for a runny nose are smelly and pungent with some unusual taste. Flavored tea is an exception because herbal tea tastes good. You need to choose the best ingredients to make an herbal tea, and they include garlic, lemon juice, ginger, honey, cinnamon, water and caffeine free tea bag. Cinnamon, ginger, and garlic must be added to the water and boiled for 5 minutes. Honey and lemon juice should be added after straining and the tea bag has to be placed into the tea. Allow it to steep for a few minutes and this coffee can be taken after discarding the strained water. Chewing the ginger pieces and garlic also offers good results and you can drink 2 to 3 cups daily.

These runny nose remedies offer instant and long-lasting results. Since they are completely natural methods, you do not have to worry about any side effects as well.

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