Natural Ways To Dissolve Kidney Stones

Natural Ways To Dissolve Kidney Stones

Water is the most crucial nutrient which ensures to maintain smooth functioning of all body organs. Water not just helps in flushing out unwanted toxins but also helps ensures to keep you hydrated through the day. Doctors recommend a daily intake of approximately 8 glasses of water a day. However, the rising cases of people suffering from kidney stone state a different story. People today fail to understand the importance of water requirement to the body thereby inviting ailments. One such issue cropping up amongst youngsters today is kidney stones.

Kidney stones are caused due to fluctuations in levels of water, salts, minerals and other substances in the urine. These fluctuations might differ from person to person and hence no two people can be treated alike in this ailment. Prominently, most kidney stone cases are caused due to rise in the level of calcium in the urine. Apart from constant intake of water, there are other natural remedies to help dissolve kidney stones as well as will also help in avoiding it in near future.

Lemon juice
Lemon contains citrus; to be scientifically precise lemon contains citrate which helps in avoiding the formation of calcium stones in the kidney. It also helps in breaking down existing stones, thereby dissolving kidney stones naturally. Take it as lemon juice or consume it raw, lemon has numerous medical benefits. In addition to this, lemon consists of Vitamin C which has infinite medical properties.

Basil juice
People suffering from kidney stones consistently complain about excruciating pain in the ribs and lower back/ kidney stones travel to different organs of the body and hence needs to be treated accordingly. Consumption of basil juice is another natural remedy to help reduce pain caused due to kidney stones. Basil juice consists of acetic acid, which helps in breaking down and dissolving kidney stones naturally; as well as suffices the pain caused due to this ailment. In addition to this, it also helps in lowering uric acid levels in the body to help avoid the formation of kidney stones in near future. Ensure to maintain a balanced composition of this juice. Do not go overboard as it might also lead to low blood pressure.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar is one of the most trusted forms of natural remedies not just for kidney stones but many other medical ailments. Scientific research has medically proved the benefits of apple cider vinegar. Apple cider vinegar contains citric acid which helps in dissolving kidney stones naturally and relieves the pain caused due to it. In addition to this, this natural remedy helps in alkalizing blood and urine thereby increasing stomach acids which will in turn help in the prevention of kidney stone formation.

Coconut water
Kidney stones bring with it excruciating pain and burning sensations while passing urine. To add to it urine color may change to pink, red or dark yellow depending upon the intensity of the existence of stones in the kidney. Coconut water is highly nutritious has numerous medical benefits. It also has components which work as cooling agents to help reduce pain caused due to kidney stones. Also, coconut water ensures to keep you full and hydrated throughout the day. Make it a habit of having a glass of coconut water on a daily business.

Celery juice
Along with painful urine, kidney stones also release harmful toxins into the body which might worsen your condition. To help avoid toxins formation in the body blend three to four celery sticks in water and consume it throughout the day. Celery works as a cleanser by flushing out unwanted toxins from the body thereby avoiding crystal formations in the kidney.

To help dissolve the kidney stones naturally, doctors prominently recommend consumption of pomegranates especially when you are suffering from kidney stone. Pomegranates are high on water content and also its medical components help in maintaining the urine acidity level. Lesser the production of acids, lesser the chances of stone formation in the kidney

Kidney beans for the kidney
Bring half a cup of kidney beans to a heavy boil and strain the broth. Consume this broth to help cleanse the kidney so as to avoid kidney stones. In addition to this, it also helps in dissolving kidney stones naturally by breaking them down and allow them to pass smoothly. This also helps in reducing burning sensation caused due to kidney stone.

Speak to the expert
All the aforementioned remedies are natural; however, they still need to be consumed in proportion. To help understand the intake level consult a doctor. Provide detailed information about any form of allergies or other issues associated with natural remedies. Doctors will take into account all the details and will accordingly suggest the best form of natural remedy to help cure kidney stone.

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