Peyronies Disease – A Complete Overview

Peyronies Disease – A Complete Overview

Peyronie’s disease is a penis related disease that occurs when a scar tissue shapes up inside the penis. This tissue is called plaque and is formed as a result of any injury inside the penis, that may cause internal bleeding.  Some of the causes include Vitamin E deficiency, increase in serotonin levels and even due to the intake of beta B medications. In certain cases, the genetic disorder could also be a factor.

The penis of a man may either bend upwards or even to either of the sides. Men suffering from Peyronie’s have trouble while having sex, like feelings of uneasiness and anxiety. Peyronie’s generally occurs in middle-aged men, and it’s a rare disease that occurs in around 1% to 8% men.

Symptoms Of Peyronie’s Disease

Symptoms of Peyronie’s disease include:

  • Pain while getting erection
  • Pain while having sex
  • Bending of penis
  • Soft erections
  • Shortening of penis
  • Incapability of having intercourse
  • Stress

Reducing The Risk Of Peyronie’s Disease

There are certain lifestyle changes that need to be adopted, to keep away Peyronie’s Disease. They include:

  • Give up smoking
  • Exercise or Yoga
  • Minimizing alcohol intake
  • Stop the intake of any non-prescribed drugs

Peyronie’s Disease Treatment

Treatment for Peyronie’s disease may vary from person to person, depending on the magnitude of the problem they are experiencing. Sometimes if the pain is not severe, and erectile functioning is not much of a problem, doctors suggest doing nothing, but wait.

Sometimes, this problem fades away with time. In case you don’t get any relief, other options can be tried.

Penis Injections for Peyronie’s Disease Treatment

Collagenase : This the only medicine that is FDA approved, for treating Peyronie’s disease. It is also known as Xiaflex and it can be prescribed to men with moderate, or severe bending of the penis.

Though the effectiveness of this drug requires additional research, this type of injection helps in breaking down of collagen concentration, that causes the penis to bend.

Verapamil : This medicine is prescribed for treating high blood pressure, but is also helpful in treating Peyronie’s, as it prevents the generation of collagen. Collagen is a protein that forms the major constituent, that leads to the formation of scar tissue.

The medicine is also helpful in minimizing the pain related to this disease. Though the effectiveness of this drug still under research.

Interferon : This is a type of protein that helps in breaking down the fibrous tissue. The benefits of this protein include less pain in the penis, minimized bending of the penis and even reduction in the scar tissue size.

This medication has proven to be effective in comparison to the other two options.

Shockwave Therapy For Peyronie’s Disease Treatment

Shockwave therapy : It is also known as shockwave lithotripsy technology and is used in patients who have a calcified tissue scarring in the penis. This mechanism is generally known as extracorporeal shockwave therapy (ESWT).

In this mechanism, an acoustic sound wave that carries high energy is transmitted to the painful tissue that scars the penis. These sound waves are produced by a device that is called a lithotriptor device, and it targets the affected area of the penis. Per session, 2000 to 3000 shockwaves are induced, and a patient usually undergoes 3 or 5 sessions.

Surgery For Treatment of Peyronie’s Disease

Surgery is an option that is advisable for patients who have unbearable pain and their condition does not stabilize even after trying other options. In this method, usually, the scarred tissue is cut, and excluded from the affected area of the penis. There are generally three types of surgeries that include:

Surgery for shortening the side of the penis that lies opposite the scar tissue : This type of surgery involves the cutting, of a piece of tissue from the outside curve of the penis, and sewing it compactly, or by folding of the tissue and pulling it along a thread.

One disadvantage of this surgery is that it involves the shortening of the penis.

Elongate the side of the penis that bends : This surgery is advisable to people who feel that the bending of the penis is severe and painful.

The scar tissue is usually cut so that the tension can be released. Also, some part of the scar tissue is removed.

The empty space that is left after the removal of scar tissue is replaced with a graft. There are two types of grafting that are usually done—Autologous tissue grafting and Non-autologous allografts.

Inserting a prosthetic device within the penis : In this type of surgery, an inflatable pump or silicon rods are inserted into the penis, which helps in keeping the penis straight, and also helps in keeping it stiff while having sex.

Medical Prescriptions for Treating Peyronie’s Disease

These medications are effective, only if the problem is at its initial stage.

  • Vitamin E
  • Tamoxifen
  • Colchicine
  • Carnitine
  • Potassium Aminobenzoate (Potaba)
  • Sildenafil
  • Tadalafil
  • Pentoxifylline

Keep in mind the symptoms, and consult a doctor immediately if you have any of the symptoms.

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