Popular Elements in and Types of Diets for Multiple Sclerosis

Popular Elements in and Types of Diets for Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a deadly disease in which immune system attacks the covering of the nerves. It is a disorder which involves central nervous system mainly brain and spinal cord. MS is a life-threatening condition and is incurable once developed. Mostly optic eye nerves located in the brain are most affected than others. MRI scans reveal swelling or inflammation as white dots called plaques in such disease. Multiple Sclerosis is usually diagnosed in adults and uncommon in childhood. Immediate blood relatives like children, brothers, sisters, and non-identical twins are at the higher risk of acquiring MS than the unrelated ones. The body’s repair system depends on its extent of recovery. Women are at a higher risk to be exposed to MS than men. There is no specific cause of MS, and it mostly develops because of genetic and environmental factors. MS is considered to be an autoimmune disease in which immune system starts to attack healthy tissues. The prevalence of Multiple Sclerosis varies extensively between geographical locations. MS has been known for years, but its pathogenesis is still unknown. MS does not affect the peripheral nervous system, but it affects myelin sheath of the central nervous system in particular. Patients having MS experience enormous physical and physiological disturbances. MS is a neurological condition which occurs when our immune system is not working properly. Common symptoms include vision problems, cognitive problems, bladder and bowel problems, paralysis, erectile dysfunction, tremors, muscle spasticity, painful involuntary muscle contractions, fatigue, urinary retention, etc.

Diet for Multiple Sclerosis
Diet for Multiple Sclerosis can help to cure the condition to a greater extent rather than using stronger medicines or drugs. Even the most advanced modern drugs cannot provide complete relief from the progression of the disease. Eating exact amount of food, right nutrients in right amounts can help to lower down the symptoms of the disease. It helps in healing the mind, body, and soul. Shortage of food and nutrients could damage our health and weaken our immune system to fight against the diseases. Essential nutrients like minerals, vitamins, fatty acids, amino acids, water, oxygen, and light can help to repair the damage caused and helps us to stay healthy. Generally, a variety of organic fruits and vegetables, grains, cereals, brown rice, dairy products, skinless poultry and fish, nuts, and legumes should be consumed.

Vitamin D
People who get a lot of sunlight are less likely to develop MS than the ones where there is no sunlight like away from the equator. Your body can make vitamin D when you’re in the sunlight or supplements. Foods like cod liver oil, mushrooms, fish like trout, salmon, tuna, milk, yogurt, etc. should be included in the diet for Multiple Sclerosis.

Fish Oil
People with MS should take a teaspoon of fish oil each day with omega-3 fatty acids and vitamins A, D, and E. Fish such as salmon, herring, mackerel, and tuna are highly rich in omega-3 fatty acids.

The salt intake does not influence the course of the disease or its activity. Though excess salt intake in the diet for Multiple Sclerosis can considerably affect the activity of the immune system.

Red wine
Resveratrol, a component of red wine, enhances the activity of a molecule (SIRT1) that helps to preserve nerve fibers, and it decreases the severity of Multiple Sclerosis-like diseases.

Nuts and seeds are consumed but must be counted toward daily oil allowance.

Pasta and rice
They are consumed in limited quantities like brown rice and wheat pasta in less oil.

Fruits that are rich in antioxidants like blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, apple, orange, plum, black currant, pineapple, kiwi fruits, etc. should be included in the diet for Multiple Sclerosis.

Four servings of Grains and cereals are allowed, although hidden fats in baked goods and granola should be avoided.
Despite the complex role of the diet for Multiple Sclerosis, the popular diets for Multiple Sclerosis are classified into four types as follows:

Paleolithic Diet (Paleo diet):
The diet for Multiple Sclerosis mainly consists of sulfur-containing vegetables (for example, broccoli, and kale) and intensely colored fruits and vegetables. In addition, two tablespoons of omega-3 oils per day, along with 4 or more ounces of both animal protein and plant protein (for example, legumes and nuts) should also be consumed.

Swank Diet
This diet eliminates saturated fats which help to obstruct clumps in blood vessels thus reducing inflammation. Foods that are allowed include grains, cereals, pasta, rice, white fish and shellfish, fruits and vegetables, cod liver oil, etc.

Mediterranean Diet:
This diet promotes a low consumption of saturated fats (for example, red meat, butter, and dairy products), a moderate intake of eggs, red wine, and a high consumption of whole grains, cereals, fresh fruits, and vegetables.

Ketogenic Diet:
Key foods include avocado, full-fat cheese, heavy cream, butter, whole eggs, fatty nuts and seeds (like almonds and pumpkin seeds), bacon, beef, fatty fish, coffee, and olive oil.

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