Sleep Well with These Natural Sleep Remedies

Sleep Well with These Natural Sleep Remedies

Quality, adequate sleep is mandatory for good health. Sleep is when your body repairs damaged cells and rest the brain so you can recover and recharge. Good sleep not only helps boost your immune system but is also very important for your mental health. Having said this, it’s important to remember that many people have trouble getting healthy uninterrupted sleep. It could either be a sleep disorder or it could be a side-effect of some types of medication. In such a situation where a person is unable to get the required hours of quality sleep, a person could develop a large number of ailments like a poor digestive system, poor concentration levels, sharp mood swings, loss of appetite, and depression.

So, if you are looking for natural sleep remedies, and want to avoid sleeping pills or other drugs, keep reading.

The best natural sleep remedies

Insomnia is a condition that plagues a large number of people. This is a situation where a person is unable to get enough sleep, even if he or she is extremely tired, and needs the rest. In most cases, those suffering from insomnia are prescribed sleeping pills. Such medications aren’t advisable in the long run as they can have a range of adverse side-effects.

As an alternative to sleep medication, a number of medical practitioners have laid heavy emphasis on the effectiveness of natural sleep remedies. Insomnia and sleeplessness is a problem that arises from a number of factors.

Stress, extended exposure to TV, computer and cellphone screens, energy drinks, and other factors lead to a loss of quality sleep. In such a situation, continued dependence on medication could lead to another problem where you develop a tolerance to the drug and have trouble falling asleep if you don’t take it.

Hence the natural remedies of sleep happen to be a better idea. We shall now look at some of the most effective natural sleep remedies.

Warm milk

Warm milk has been hailed as an excellent sleep aid for ages now. A glass of warm milk before bed. That’s something we’ve all been used to hearing. This is a natural sleep remedy that can be tried for people of different age groups. Research, however, has revealed that there is little scientific backing for the claims of warm milk helping facilitate better sleep.

The amino acid tryptophan, found in milk, is excellent for facilitating better, faster sleep. However, a glass of warm milk has a soothing effect on the nerves, which has a psychologically soothing effect and can help you catch a good night’s sleep.

Lemon balm

Lemon balm has been recommended as an effective natural sleep remedy for centuries. It has a soothing effect and can help you relax. Lemon balm has a positive effect on depression arising from insomnia and can help to improve the quality and quantity of your sleep. Studies have confirmed the sedative effect of lemon balm, which must only be taken in controlled doses. In case you consume a large amount of lemon balm, it could lead to anxiety.

Carbohydrates before you sleep

Carbohydrates before bed help raise your blood glucose levels, helping your brain recover better and faster during sleep. A few pieces of fruit, perhaps apples or blueberries, can help you sleep better and meet your nutrient and fiber requirements.


A regular workout routine can help improve your sleep quality tremendously. It boosts your mood, tires you out physically, promotes the release of growth hormone, and serves a range of other health benefits. Apart from the sleep benefits, regular exercise also helps you stay healthy and happier. All of these lead to a marked improvement in sleep quality.


Chamomile has a relaxing effect on your brain and muscles. This helps you to get to sleep easily. Research has revealed that Chamomile has a sedative effect and helps facilitate sleep, and as such, is a great natural sleep remedy. It is rich in apigenin, which binds to GABA receptors in your brain, and helps relax your nervous system, and makes you sleepy.

Bedroom quality

Remember, sleep can suffer immensely because of psychological stress. Hence, the quality of your bedroom will make a huge difference to the quality of your sleep. Ensure your bedroom is clean and carefully maintained. Cut out all external light when you sleep. Keep your bedroom at a cool 65- 70 degrees and avoid watching television or working while in bed. Sleeping in complete darkness, with no stimulation or external interruption, is very important to get healthy sleep. This one change can impact your overall health in a major way.

So, keep these facts in mind when you’re looking for natural sleep remedies, and you can rest easy and sleep well.

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