Tips for Preparing the Right Diet for Gout

Tips for Preparing the Right Diet for Gout

Gout is a type of arthritis that often causes inflamed and painful joints. You have to find ways to control it because if it remains unattended, you may have to suffer critical damage to tissues, tendons, and joints. The major cause of Gout is the excess presence of uric acid in the blood. There are different types of medications available in the market to control gout, but you have to make changes in your diet to get relief from this problem. Read on to know how to prepare the best diet for gout.

If you are a gout patient, some foods provide support in eliminating and recuperating from the discomforts. The most critical point is to choose your diet with proper care and attention. You have to eat whole and perfectly organic foods, and if you can manage to find locally grown foods, there is nothing to worry about the diet. All the artificial and processed stuff should not find a place in the best diet for gout. The right options that can be added to the best diet for gout are given below.

  • Include strawberries and organic cherries
    These types of fruits are extremely beneficial for dealing with gout. Organic cherries are wonderful sources of two strong antioxidants known as bioflavonoids and anthocyanins, and they get engaged in the process of slowing down the enzymes called Cyclooxygenase-1 and Cyclooxygenase-2 to relieve the pain associated with gout. Strawberries contain a lot of antioxidants that fight against the dangerous free radicals, and it results in the effective elimination of uric acid, uric acid from your body. You have to consume the berries in moderation because excess consumption leads to increased intake of fructose that is harmful to the body.
  • Ensure increased intake of healthy fats
    Non-vegetable carbohydrates should be replaced with adequate quantities of healthy monounsaturated fats. The best sources of monounsaturated fats are olive oil, raw grass fed butter, avocados, coconuts and coconuts and food items like pecans, walnuts, macadamias and other types of raw nuts also contain these types of fats. The monounsaturated fats control your leptin and insulin levels, and animal-based omega-3 fats can also be added. Omega-3 fatty acids are highly beneficial to fight against gout because they produce compounds known as protectins and resolvins that regulate inflammation effectively. For example; krill oil is hugely popular to prevent inflammation-related problems.
  • Proper use of therapeutic herbs
    Therapeutic herbs like turmeric, rosemary, cinnamon, and ginger are extremely effective in lowering the pain caused by gout due to their excellent anti-inflammation properties.
    Add potassium-rich foods to the best diet for gout
    Potassium-rich food sources contain electrolytes that make life a lot easier for gout affected people. Potassium-rich sources like vegetables and fruits contain potassium citrate that neutralizes uric acid available in your urine and they promote the excretion of uric acid you’re your body. Other prominent sources of potassium are broccoli, Swiss chard, Brussels sprouts, papayas, lima beans, avocados and green vegetable juice and, taking potassium bicarbonate supplements is also a good option.
  • Improve your water intake
    If you can consume a lot of pure water, it is highly effective to address the discomforts associated with gout. Water is an excellent detoxification agent, and it eliminates the waste and toxins from your body. Uric acid is a toxic substance, and pure water consumption assists your body in flushing out uric acid. You get better protection against uric acid buildup, and all gout-related discomforts can be reduced with increased water consumption.
  • Avoid high-purine food
    When you eat food rich in purine, you are making yourself more susceptible to gout attacks. Your body breaks down the foods containing purine, and it results in the formation of uric acid. It is a well-known fact that high uric acid levels result in gout, and you have to face joint pain and other discomforts. Foods that contain high amounts of purine are lentils, red meats, shellfish, asparagus, anchovies, mushrooms, herring, cauliflower, whole wheat grains, kidney beans, and peas. The intake of these types of foods should be reduced.
  • Eliminate processed foods from your diet
    Many people are running after processed foods like ice cream, soda, cereals, sports drinks and fruit juices that contain high fructose corn syrup. Processed foods also contain a lot of additives and preservatives, and they can always be described as nutritionally deficient foods. These types of foods deteriorate your health in many ways, and gout is certainly one of the diseases caused by processed foods.
    Alcoholic drinks promote uric acid buildup and consequently, they increase your risk of gout. You should also eliminate drinking soy milk of you are suffering from gout because it increases the quantity of uric acid by 10%. In addition to following the best diet for gout, you have to start exercising in a daily manner to enjoy better protection from gout.

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