Top 10 Joint Supplements that Can Help You Find Relief

Top 10 Joint Supplements that Can Help You Find Relief

Joint pain and swelling, whether caused by arthritis or vigorous athletic activities, can affect your lifestyle. In addition to the medicines, you can deal with your joint pain condition by taking joint health supplements that can also help provide further relief.

Joint supplements
The most effective joint supplements have naturally occurring ingredients found in the body, in the joint regions. These can help replenish depleted chemicals and nutrients and help the body repair and strengthen damaged joints and reduce pain and swelling.

Glucosamine Sulfate
Glucosamine sulfate occurs naturally in the form of a chemical present in the human body. It is particularly present in the fluids that surround the joints. This chemical provides the base for the body to produce glycosaminoglycan which helps maintain the health of cartilages and also helps in repairing damaged cartilage. Glucosamine supplements are mainly extracted from the shells of shellfish. It helps lubricate the joints and can provide joint pain relief.

Chondroitin Sulfate
This is another chemical found in the body. It helps the cartilage retain water and keeps the joints lubricated and functioning well. Chondroitin supplements are made from cow trachea and from pork. Chondroitin supplements can provide relief from joint inflammation and pain. Many top joint supplements contain both Glucosamine and Chondroitin sulfates to maximize the benefits. Other ingredients could include Vitamin D3, and Omega 3 Fatty Acids.

Top 10 Joint Supplements
Get the advice of your doctor before buying joint supplements. You can also check out reviews in health magazines, and customer reviews for the various products available. Here are some of the best joint supplements available in the market.

This supplement is made from natural ingredients that have been clinically proven to be beneficial in reducing joint pain. It contains Glucosamine, Chondroitin, and MSM. It also contains other ingredients like rutin. Together, they help strengthen and rebuild damaged joints and provide permanent relief from joint pain.

Primaforce Elastamine
It is made of a potent blend of ingredients that help improve joint health. It contains Chondroitin, Glucosamine, and MSM. Elastamine also contains a digestive enzyme, bromelain, and the like to absorb nutrients better.

Dymatize Joint Repair
This is one of the most popular top 10 joint supplement that contains the three most common but essential ingredients found in joint supplements—Chondroitin, Glucosamine, and MSM. This formulation is an optimal blend of these ingredients. This product promises to promote joint support, relieve stiffness of joints, and increase mobility.

This is product is safe for vegetarians. It contains a formula that blocks three enzymes namely, COX-1, COX-2, and 5-LO. These have been identified as the factors that trigger joint pain. This supplement combines various ingredients that help improve joint health with the help of a patent-pending formula.

MET-Rx Super Joint Guard
In addition to Chondroitin,MSM, and Glucosamine, this supplement contains a blend of essential fatty acids, manganese, flaxseed and evening primrose oil. All these come together in a highly effective formula for improving joint health, and providing pain relief.

Nutripharm Oxycollasyn
Oxycollasyn contains a combination of seven patented ingredients. Together they provide fast pain relief, repairing and strengthening your joints. The patented ingredients include Biocell Collagen II, which helps to strengthen joints, Celadrin which improves joint lubrication and enhances mobility, and Fruitex-B that helps fight joint oxidation and joint inflammation.

This is a joint support drink mix. This punch powder provides 1500 mg of Glucosamine, 2000 mg of MSM, and 5000 mg of gelatin in each dose. It helps active people recover from joint stress. Chondroitin and Glucosamine, present in it helps in rebuilding affected joints.

A joint support drink, Supple is one of the top 10 joint supplements. It contains Glucosamine, Chondroitin, Magnesium, Niacin, Sodium, and Vitamins C, D, E, and B Complex Vitamins. While Chondroitin and Glucosamine help rebuild and strengthen joints and restore flexibility, the combination of vitamins and minerals provide further protection against joint damage.

Animal Flex
Animal Flex from Universal Nutrition, combines the benefits of Glucosamine, MSM, and two types of Chondroitin, with a wide range of essential fatty acids. This helps to rebuild and strengthen joints. It has quercetin, a powerful antioxidant that helps prevent cell damage. The turmeric and ginger in this formula, helps to reduce inflammation and pain.

These Top 10 Joint Supplements are just a few of the products available in the market. You can also find more products that might suit your condition better.

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