Triglycerides Food Plan for All Meals of The Day

Triglycerides Food Plan for All Meals of The Day

Triglycerides are fats found in the blood. If it exceeds normal level, it can cause cardiovascular disorders. Currently, one-third of American population battles with high triglyceride levels. These fat molecules enter the bloodstream from the unused calories from the ingested food. Alternately triglycerides released from the fat stored in the body as a standby energy resource. People with high level of triglyceride can adopt diet changes to reduce it. Here are a few triglyceride food plans that you can start off with.

Diet Plan for Breakfast

  • Cereals and berries
    Have one serving of cereal with less than 9 grams of sugar. Top it up with berries like raspberries, blueberries or strawberries. You can also start the day with half a cup of oatmeal immersed in a cup of skimmed milk. Top it with walnut pieces for crunchy and healthy morning energy.
  • Egg breakfast
    You can opt for two egg whites or can choose egg substitutes instead. Add veggies like tomatoes, spinach, onions, and mushrooms amounting to a cup. Top it with a tablespoon of olive oil, or fat-free margarine if you need a saucy salad. You can have this salad mixture with a pair of whole wheat toasts. Add a citrus fruit like orange to your breakfast for an energetic start.
  • Seafood Start
    Seafood lovers can start their day with an ounce of smoked salmon along with a whole grain bagel. Add a teaspoon of low/ no fat cream cheese and fresh dill capers to add extra flavors. Include a cup of melon for hydration and minerals.

Wholesome And Thoughtful Lunches

A low triglyceride food plan need not be flavorless or boring. You can try out the following tasty options.

  • Salad with soup
    Mix equal portions (one cup each) of a low-fat veg soup along with fruits and combination of chopped vegetables. Add two cups of salad, made with green leafy veggies. You can add about 5 whole wheat crackers for crunch. Bring it all together with a teaspoon of salad dressing containing olive oil.

Lunch Plans

  • Seafood Sandwich
    Lunch could remain a delicious savory for fish lovers and yet stay low of triglycerides, making it an ideal part of the triglycerides food plan.Pack two ounce of tuna fish within whole wheat bread slices along with chopped onion, pickle, slices of a medium apple. Bring it together with a tablespoon of low-fat mayo and have a hearty lunch. A complimentary salad could go well with this lunch. A cup of veggies like carrots, tomatoes, peppers with a dash of olive oil would be the perfect lunch salad.
  • Chinese Non-Veg lunch
    Stir fry a cup of veggies along with an ounce of shrimp, chicken or tofu in olive oil. For the main dish, you can go with half a cup of rice(brown or wild) or whole wheat pasta. A cup of pineapple chunk would complete the meal with fresh vitamins and minerals.

Dinner Plans

It is generally advisable to go easy and keep it light for suppers as it is close to bedtime. Adding too many calories in supper would only make you feel bloated and reduce the quality of our sleep.

  • Chicken and Veggies
    Have three ounces of grilled or broiled chicken. Add a baked sweet potato topped with a teaspoon of fat-free margarine. Have a cup of steamed veggies like broccoli and peppers for vitamins and minerals. To finish with a sweet and satisfying taste treat yourself to half a cup of ice cream or frozen yogurt. You could even opt to have a nonfat pudding topped with crunchy pistachios to combat a sweet tooth in the night.
  • Pasta
    Have a cup of whole-wheat pasta or spaghetti squash mixed with tomatoes and a cup of veggies. For proteins, you can add 3.5 ounces of turkey, tofu or any other meat substitute that you prefer. Top it with your favorite seasoning of herbs like oregano, basil or any other. Finally, put it together with a tablespoon of parmesan cheese, but make sure it is low fat. A glass of wine would go well with the all Italian meal.
  • Seafood Supper
    If you can’t end your day without fish or bored with veggies and meat, you can try fish for supper for a change. Have four ounces of grilled or sauteed salmon or tuna. Or you can go for grilled or broiled shrimps. Flavour it with balsamic vinegar or lemon juice along with a cup of steamed asparagus. Add half a cup of wheat couscous with mushroom broth to bring volume to your dish. Sliced scallions would be a good add-on. Finish it with a cup of roasted tomatoes and a teaspoon of olive oil in the end.

Changing the diet can have wonderful results with triglyceride levels. Take the right alternatives to your usual meal and you would start seeing the difference. High triglycerides are quite a common but serious condition. It could lead to higher risk of heart disease and must be kept in check. You can easily bring it down to healthy levels with regular exercise and triglyceride food plan. Simple diet changes can go a long way in getting desirable results.

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