Try the Best Remedies for Overactive Bladder

Try the Best Remedies for Overactive Bladder

Overactive bladder is a situation where a person has a sudden urge to urinate. As a result, it could be difficult for a person to control their urination, and sometimes they can also pass urine involuntarily.

Quintessentially an overactive bladder is a medical ailment that can also lead to substantial embarrassment on the social front as well.

Overactive Bladder

An overactive bladder is a problem that can happen to people of different age groups. This is a problem that can be best handled through improving and improvising the lifestyle and behavioral patterns of a person. This will include the amount and the quantity of fluid consumption. Additionally, effective medications are also available in the market.

Overactive bladder is a situation in where holding urine for a period becomes difficult. As a result, you might need to visit the bathroom a little more frequently than usual. Your quality of sleep during the night hours could also be disturbed as you will have to visit the bathroom several times during the night.

Some of the common causes that can trigger overactive bladder apart from age are medical ailments like Parkinson’s, weak pelvic muscles, and an obstruction in the bladder. In fact, an overactive bladder is a widespread medical problem which is highly curable.

Top Remedies For Overactive Bladder

There are various ways and measures through which overactive bladder could be contained efficiently. Effective remedies for overactive bladder could be found through different kinds of herbs, improvement in lifestyle and also specific exercises.

As per the reports of Harvard Health Blog, it has been revealed that nearly 70% of women have found comfort out of these common but popular remedies for overactive bladder. We will now take a look at some of these famous remedies for overactive bladder that has been in vogue for generations.

Chinese Herbal Blends: Studies have revealed the fact that there are a large number of Chinese herbs that can be effectively used as a great remedy for overactive bladder. The GJG or the Gosha-jinki-gan is a mixture of ten Chinese herbs that can be used as an excellent remedy for the ailment. This is an herb blend that can help in the proper functioning of the bladder during the daytime. 7.5 milligrams is considered to be the standard measurement of GJG that must be taken on a regular basis.

Ganoderma Lucidum: The Ganoderma lucidum is also known as the lingzhi mushroom. This is an element that could be attained from East Asia. This is an element that can also provide a good cure for problems such as hepatitis, different forms of cancers and also hypertension. It has been suggested that 6 milligrams are the most standardized amount that must be taken on a daily basis.

Corn Silk: the waste element that can be attained out of corn cultivation is known as corn silk. Different countries such as France and China apply the corn silk efficiently to treat various kinds of ailments and diseases. Amongst which overactive bladder is a common problem? Corn silk contains elements that help in strengthening the mucous membranes of the urinary tract. This helps to overcome the problem of bedwetting.

Capsaicin: the fleshy parts of the Chile Peppers contains the nutritive element of capsaicin. It helps to treat pain I the pelvic region that is a common symptom of an overactive bladder.

Kohki Tea: Kohki tea is a sweet flavor tea that is obtained from the extracts of a subtropical plant found in China. It is very high in antioxidants and can protect the bladder to a great extent.

Pumpkin Seeds: Pumpkin Seeds are rich in omega 3 fatty acids. This helps to reduce the inflammation of the human body. The oil that can be extracted out of these pumpkin seeds can improve the urinary function of the body. Additionally, it can also reduce the symptoms of an overactive bladder.

More Fiber for removal of Constipation: One of the best ways through which you can remove overactive bladder symptoms is by improving your constipation levels. Eating of more fruits and vegetables on a regular basis can act as an excellent remedy for overactive bladder.

Weight Management: Obesity is yet again a reason that can trigger of overactive bladder. Weight management can be an adequate remedy for overactive bladder.

What Foods To Avoid:

As a preventive measure, you should avoid the following foods:

  • Artificial sweeteners,
  • Alcohol
  • Coffee
  • Citrus fruits
  • Soda.
  • Spicy and hot food
  • Tea
  • Chocolates and tomato-based foods.

The home-based remedies for overactive bladder are often considered to be the most effective and can provide respite and relief for a longer time compared to medication. However, the nature of remedy and treatment depends on the extent of the problem.

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