Try These 5 Ways to Effectively Treat Toenail Fungus

Try These 5 Ways to Effectively Treat Toenail Fungus

Toenail fungus is a condition when the toenails become thick, yellow, and curl inwards. Often, these infected toenails are unattractive to look at and painful to the touch. Many people who have a toenail fungus infection may skip any treatment in case their toenail is only superficially discolored or damaged and not painful.

People with painful toenail fungus may have to choose from a wide list of the best toenail fungus treatment to relieve the pain. One of the oldest and most common toenail fungus treatment includes removing the infected area if medicines or alternative remedies do not work. While the same treatment may not suit everyone, it is important that you go in for the best toenail fungus treatment that suits you best. Here are some of the ways to seek the best toenail fungus treatment.

Visit a doctor and give prescription drugs a shot
As soon as you are infected with a toenail fungus, it is imperative that you get a consultation from a trained healthcare expert. Many doctors suggest oral medicines, topical lotions and ointments, antibacterial drugs, and prescribed anti-fungal creams that usually work as the best toenail fungal treatment in case of a light fungal infection that is in its infancy. If your toenail infection has gone further down, stronger prescription drugs may be required to relieve the discomfort. Often, older and thicker infections may not get cured entirely.

Try OTC medications
Several over-the-counter (OTC) creams and anti-fungal lotions act as the best toenail fungus treatment that can help cure mild to moderate toenail infections. Some of these medications include aerosol sprays or oral drugs. Since a specific type of fungus is usually behind the condition, most OTC drugs set out to target that specific type. While the symptom of toenail fungus infection may get controlled by these OTC drugs, severe infections often may not get eliminated.

Removal of the infected nail
In extreme situations, an infected toe nail is removed to stop recurring nail infections. While this solution may be the last resort for many patients, it is the best toenail fungus treatment that helps eliminate the infection entirely. Many doctors may perform surgery to remove the toenail. However, nonsurgical methods too can be used.

Incorporate dietary changes
Often certain nutrient deficiencies may worsen toenail infections. Therefore, it is best that you maintain a well-balanced and nutrient-rich diet that can help keep you and yours nails healthy. You could begin eating healthy by eating more of probiotic yogurt. Ensure that you eat enough protein to support the regrowth of nails. Spike up the amount of iron in your diet to prevent nails from getting chipped or brittle. A diet rich in calcium, vitamin D, and fatty acids is also required when you are struggling with toenail infection.

Home remedies for effective toenail fungus treatment
For many people, home remedies, natural cures, and do-it-yourself therapies act as the best toenail fungus treatment. Some of the most popular methods have been listed below:

  • Tea tree oil: Tea tree oil has anti-fungal properties that can naturally cure toenail fungus when directly applied onto the infected area. Applying tea tree oil twice a day can accelerate the healing process and cure the ailment within a few weeks.
  • Cinnamon oil extract: Another effective home remedy for toenail fungus includes soaking the infected nails in a solution of warm water and cinnamon oil extract. Often, the yellowing and thickening of toenails begin to diminish within a month of treatment. People who repeat the process more frequently seem to get relieved of the infection in a shorter span.
  • White vinegar: Often, long term infections can get eliminated with white vinegar soaks. Vinegar which is acidic often penetrates the nails and helps reduce yellowing and thickening of nails because of the infection. While it may take as long as six months to show the desired results, it is important that you discontinue the use if you experience any adverse reactions. Many people experience that their nails become more sensitive, thin, and brittle due to the acidic content of vinegar.
  • Try mentholated cream: Vapor rubs usually used for chest colds act as a home remedy and is one of the best toenail fungus treatment. The treatment works for most people with infected nails and giving this easy DIY treatment a shot wouldn’t hurt.
  • Baking soda: Usually baking soda or sodium bicarbonate is used to limit the growth of various types of fungi that usually cause skin or nail infection. Applying baking soda on the infected area can help treat the infection and reverse the staining.
  • Eucalyptus oil: Mainly known for its refreshing scent, eucalyptus oil works very well and is considered as one of the best toenail fungus treatment.
  • Oregano oil: This is another effective oil that contains thymol which is best known for its antibacterial and antifungal properties. Applying oregano oil swabs twice a day on the infected are is known to treat the condition effectively. You could make a concoction of essential oils by mixing oregano, eucalyptus, and tea tree oil to relieve pain and treat the affected area. However, if you are allergic to a certain product, it is best that you use these oils separately and not in a combination.

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