Fibromyalgia Foot Pain – Factors to Understand

Fibromyalgia Foot Pain – Factors to Understand

Fibromyalgia is a word which has been derived from New Latin. “Fibro” means fibrous tissues, the Greek word “myo” which means muscles, and the Greek word, “algos” which means pain. Therefore, fibromyalgia is a chronic disorder that results in a strain on the muscular area of the body.

The most commonly known effects of fibromyalgia include exhaustion, sleeping disorders, memory oriented issues, sensitiveness to noisy environments and temperature variations, depression, headaches, pain in the abdomen area specifically the lower region, inability to concentrate, and even anxiety.

Fibromyalgia can be a genetic problem that runs in the family or may even result from stress, infections, allergies or any trauma and is more common in women than men. Fibromyalgia is also referred to as central sensitization syndrome as it is associated with the activities in the nervous system.

Fibromyalgia Foot Pain

Fibromyalgia can cause pain anywhere and the most commonly affected area according to recent research is the feet. Fibromyalgia foot pain may also sometimes extend to the hip, knee joints or even the lower back area. Feet are known to be the body weight bearers and so are more susceptible to fibromyalgia pain. The pain one feels in their feet may be mild or severe, and the pain varies from person to person.

Causes Of Fibromyalgia Foot Pain

There exist several reasons that may lead to fibromyalgia of the foot, some of which include:

Infections: A person may be allergic to specific environments or may suffer from an illness which may trigger fibromyalgia. Sometimes the footwear may not suit them leading to foot ache or more aptly fibromyalgia foot pain.

Genetic Factor : In case your ancestors suffered from fibromyalgia and had explicitly foot pain, it is most likely that you may also suffer from the same medical condition.

Stress : Tensions or worries may lead to stress, and sometimes as the result of this pressure, your body bears the consequences.

Fibromyalgia Foot Pain: Diagnoses

Fibromyalgia is suspected to be the reason for your pain if the pain exists for more than three months and has no connection with the patient’s any other medical conditions. There are no medical tests that help in detecting fibromyalgia. A blood test may be a viable option to rule out other causes of the pain.

Fibromyalgia Foot Pain Treatment: Medications

The most common form of medications prescribed for fibromyalgia includes:

Pain Killers : Pain reduction pills may be recommended by your doctor for relief from the pain in the foot caused by fibromyalgia. Examples of such medicines are Ibuprofen, Acetaminophen or Tramadol.

Anti-seizure drugs : Anti-seizure drugs such as Gabapentin help in mitigating the pain caused by fibromyalgia. Another drug that may be useful for the pain is Pregabalin.

Fibromyalgia Foot Pain: Remedy-  There are many ways to reduce the pain in the feet due to Fibromyalgia. Some of which include:

Change in lifestyle
: If a person is suffering from foot pain due to Fibromyalgia, the most appropriate and easiest way to treat it is by making changes to one’s daily routine. Meditation, yoga, adequate sleep, balanced diet, exercise or even massage therapy for the feet help reduce the chances of fibromyalgia foot pain or any other kind of pain caused due to fibromyalgia.

Comfortable Footwear : Wearing comfortable footwear can always be a good idea when one wants to reduce fibromyalgia pain. Wearing different shoes can be another option. One should have 2-3 pairs of shoes which can be worn interchangeably. Another idea is to embed orthotic pads in  the shoes for support and comfort.

Foot Exercise : Foot exercises are another viable option which can help treating fibromyalgia foot pain. Foot fatigue can be relieved with the help of reflexology or by even using foot relaxer equipment. A foot massage is another good option that can help in reducing pain.

Keep Your Feet Warm : The feet should be kept warm when dealing with fibromyalgia foot pain by dipping them in the warm water mixed with baking soda, Epsom salt, and ginger root powder. This helps in reducing the foot pain to a great extent by relaxing the foot nerves.

Wear Anklets : To keep the feet warm one should also wear anklets. They keep the feet warm and provide them with support, which in turn helps reduce the pain and provides the feet with much-needed care.

Fibromyalgia can often be a debilitating condition. Knowing when to consult your doctor will help manage the issue. Remember to research all aspects of this disease and do not hesitate to ask your doctor all your doubts. If you follow the above steps, you will soon be free from the effects of fibromyalgia foot pain.

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