10 Common Symptoms of H Pylori Infection You Cannot Miss

10 Common Symptoms of H Pylori Infection You Cannot Miss

H Pylori or Helicobacter Pylori is a type of bacteria that enter your body and find accommodation in your digestive tract. These types of bacteria survive in your digestive tract for several years, and they develop sores known as ulcers in the upper area of your small intestine or the stomach lining. Over time, this infection can result in stomach cancer. Symptoms of H Pylori infection is pretty common, and many humans and animals have these bacteria in their bodies. In a majority of the people, they do not cause an ulcer. Even if this bacterium causes an infection, it can be treated with the help of medicines. Better sanitation and clean water offer protection against these germs.

The following symptoms of H Pylori infection can help conduct a better and timely diagnosis of the same.

Flatulence, bloating, diarrhea, and constipation
Stomach acids play a critical role in the immune system. They kill the bacteria and other harmful parasites that are absorbed through food and drinking water. Other functions of stomach acids include promoting protein digestion and encouraging the pancreas to produce digestive juices. The H Pylori bacteria interfere with the stomach acids in your body to cause digestive issues. Therefore, you experience diarrhea, bloating, constipation, and flatulence as well.

Vomiting and nausea
When the digestive process becomes abnormal, the entire functioning of the body gets damaged. That is what happens when one begins to show symptoms of H Pylori infection. Several patients have to deal with nausea when they get affected by this bacterial infection. Some patients show a vomiting tendency as well. It is easily mistaken for morning sickness due to pregnancy.

GERD and Heartburn
Do you frequently suffer from GERD (Acid Reflux) or heartburn? If you experience these symptoms of H Pylori infection, you might be suffering from the same. Many patients tend to show these symptoms when they are infected.

Unexpected or unplanned weight and muscle loss
If you follow a healthy diet plan and exercise regime, you are going to lose weight. Losing weight or muscles even without following any diet and exercise plan can be suspected of having an infection related to this bacteria. H pylori interfere with the acid levels available in the stomach to reduce the quality of the digestive process, especially that of proteins and fats. This situation makes you lose weight without any reason. The dangerous thing is that you are losing weight because of muscle loss. This type of weight loss is not at all healthy and is harmful as well.

Inability to lose weight
This is highly contradictory to the symptoms mentioned above. You may find this symptom as a surprising one. This situation occurs because of the presence of a hormone known as cortisol. It is produced when your body becomes stressed. This hormone can promote weight gain or loss with an equal intensity based on the individual. Cortisol can be instrumental in depositing fat around your stomach area. Simultaneously, it can cause muscle loss as well. So, a difficulty in losing weight can also be described as a symptom of H Pylori infection.

Reduced energy levels and severe fatigue
This is an important symptom of this bacterial infection. These bacteria cause unrelenting stress on your body, and this effort is going to make you feel tired or fatigued. Since digestion gets affected adversely, properly digesting food becomes hazardous. This situation leads to your body getting deprived of proper nourishment. You may, therefore, find it strenuous to sustain healthy energy levels.

PMS, mood swings, and other types of hormonal symptoms
When your body tries to withstand the infection, it gets stressed. This condition results in an overproduction of the hormone called cortisol, and it affects the hormonal balance of your body. As a result, you may experience mood swings or PMS.

Anxiety and depression
The chemical known as serotonin helps in balancing your mood. It is produced on a large scale in the digestive system. A healthy digestive system produces the right amount of serotonin to keep the mood upbeat. The damage caused by the H pylori bacteria to the digestive system results in the inadequate production of serotonin, and one tends to feel anxious and depressed in such a situation.

Bad breath, gum disease, and oral infections
Usually, the H pylori bacteria thrive in your stomach, but a good number of them also make your mouth and dental cavities their home. It decays the quality of your breath, and you become susceptible to gum diseases and other types of oral infections.

Painful sinuses or blocked nose
If you have to deal with a blocked nose, cold, or painful sinuses, you could be showing possible symptoms of H Pylori infection. Your digestive system is connected to the sinuses, and a damaged digestive system leads to sinus-related problems.

These are the major symptoms of H Pylori infection. Other less common symptoms include joint pain, cramping, yeast infection, painful lymph, body chills, clouded thinking, and headaches.

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