10 Popular Face Washes for Oily Skin

10 Popular Face Washes for Oily Skin

It is common knowledge that oily skin is more prone to pimples and other skin problems which occur due to excessive production of oil from sebaceous glands. However, if oily skin is properly cared for, getting rid of oily skin is easily possible.

No 7 Foaming Cleanser
Cleansing with a foamy formula is the best bet if you are suffering from oily skin. No 7 Foaming Cleanser is one of the best face wash for oily skin and will help you deal effectively with excess oil. The cleanser helps a person deal with oily skin since it helps in breaking apart and dissolving of oil on the skin surface. This cleanser effectively works in reducing oily skin due to zinc found inside the cleanser which effectively helps in regulating the amount of oil in the skin.

Avene Cleansing Foam
This face wash is a popular face wash for oily skin since it is formulated with glutamic acid which helps in cleaning and removing of extra sebum. It also makes a person smells fresh and those who apply it on regular basis feel the difference for themselves.

Dr. Schweiger Skin Solution Refresh Cleanser
Doctors usually recommend avoiding those face wash which has a fair proportion of salicylic acid. The ones containing salicylic acid is not considered as an ideal face wash for oily skin. Using such a cleanser can rob your skin from its share of natural oils and using such a face wash can cause the production of more oil since the skin will become very dry. In such a scenario, a gentle cleanser that has a fair proportion of aloe or glycerin should ideally be used. Dr. Schweiger Skin Solution is one of the recommended face wash for oily skin in such cases as it contains an effective aloe-cucumber formula and will help clear the pores without any stripping of the skin.

Dr. Schweiger Skin Solutions Clarify Cleansers
If a person having oily skin suffers from acne-related problems, skin solutions clarify cleansers from Dr. Schweiger can be used. This clarifying cleanser has tea tree oil, peppermint which helps in destroying bacteria, and clears debris. It has a rich composition of sulfur which treats and heals acne effectively.

CeraVe Foaming Facial Cleanser
This face wash is also considered among the best face wash for oily skin. This facial cleanser is known to contain ceramides and hyaluronic acid. This essentially ensures that the skin remains hydrated even though the extra dirt and oil are removed from the skin. Its silky formula ensures that the skin becomes soft and clear once this facial cleanser is used on a regular basis.

Neutrogena Ultra Gentle Hydrating Cleanser
This ultra-gentle hydrating cleanser is so gentle that it can be easily used on the super sensitive skin. People who suffer from eczema and skin acne can also use this skin cleanser since it prevents the irritating skin from degrading further.

Body Shop Seaweed Deep Cleansing Gel Wash
This deep cleansing gel wash has been formulated with extracts of bladderwrack seaweed. As it is free from oil and soap, it is gentle on the skin. It also helps in maintaining the moisture balance even as excess oil and impurities are removed. It also has a long-lasting oil control formula and is known to effectively clean the oily skin.

Lotus Herbal Tea Tree Oil Control Face Wash
This face wash is known to regulate the production of sebum on the skin and is considered among the worthy face wash for oily skin. It also helps in removing excess oil and dirt from the skin. It consists of oak bark, cinnamon, and tea tree oil and is known to have antimicrobial and antioxidant properties. It is also known to control and prevent acne.

Olay Total Effect Anti Aging Face Wash Cleanser
This anti-aging face wash is known to wash away the skin impurities in people who have oily skin and can be considered a good face wash for oily skin. It leaves the skin fresh and radiating when used on a regular basis. The gentle formula also removes dirt and excess oil from the skin. It is known to have a creamy texture which spreads effectively on the oily skin. Olay Anti Aging Face Wash is also known to prevent dehydration of the skin.

Liquid Neutrogena Pure Mild Facial Cleanser
This face wash is known to have an effective oil-free formula having glycerin and helps in removing excess oil. The skin remains hydrated all the while. The face wash helps in unclogging the skin pores as dirt and grime get removed. This face wash has been dermatologically tested and is an effective remedy for people who have oily skin.

You can use any of the above-listed face wash if you have oily skin and get rid of the problem on a permanent basis.

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