8 Amazing Health Benefits of Turmeric Curcumin

8 Amazing Health Benefits of Turmeric Curcumin

Long before the world became familiar with the pills and other medications that are now used to cure different ailments, people sought solace for their ailments with whatever ingredients one could find in nature. And, true to nature’s nurturing ability, these ingredients did help people combat their ailments. Some of these ingredients are still actively used to cure ailments and with a certain degree of success as well. For instance, turmeric, which found its way into our food and at times in the milk, which we so religiously consume at night, was known to increase our immunity levels and came in handy when we suffered from cold and cough.

Turmeric contains an active ingredient called curcumin, which is known to be the reason behind its effectiveness. Turmeric curcumin is known to possess anti-inflammatory properties which come in handy and makes it one of the most effective home remedies. If you still aren’t convinced about the benefits of adding turmeric curcumin in your diet, here are some reasons why you should.

  • Natural medicinal properties
    We are aware that the pills that we so recklessly pop can cause irreversible damage to the body in the form of side-effects. This is why nature gives us turmeric curcumin which is known to possess medicinal properties. Turmeric contains certain compounds called curcuminoids, out of which curcumin is the most potent one. It possesses anti-inflammatory properties and antioxidants which help in keeping the immune system protected.
  • Natural anti-inflammatory agent
    Inflammation occurs when the body’s immune system goes haywire and attacks the healthy blood cells instead of the bacteria and viruses it is supposed to target. Instead of popping painkillers to reduce the pain caused by inflammation, or to prevent it from occurring, you can consume turmeric curcumin as a part of your daily diet. It has anti-inflammatory properties which can prevent such incidents from recurring in future.
  • Increases antioxidant capacity of the body
    As the process of aging sets in, the body releases various oxidants in the form of free radicals and highly reactive molecules which are accompanied by unpaired electrons. These free radicals react with organic substances such as fatty acids, proteins, and even the DNA at times. In such cases, the result is never favorable. In order to prevent this, one needs a fair share of antioxidants and turmeric curcumin happens to be a rich source of the same.
  • Lowers the risk of heart disease
    Heart ailments can affect people of different ages, and one of the major causes for people suffering from heart disease is endothelial dysfunction. The endothelium is the lining of the blood vessels and the endothelial’s inability to regulate blood clotting, blood pressure, and other blood-related issues are known to lead to a potential heart attack. According to research, turmeric curcumin can improve the endothelium’s functioning and thereby, helps keep heart diseases at bay.
  • Lowers the risk of brain disorders
    The process of aging makes people more prone to brain disorders. Alzheimer’s is one of the most common brain disorders that is quite prominent among older adults. Brain disorders are linked to the Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) hormones, which are significant to the development of the brain. A decrease in the number of BDNF hormones is known to make the individual vulnerable to brain disorders. Turmeric curcumin increases the levels of BDNF and can give an impetus to the growth of neurons in the brain.
  • Useful in preventing Alzheimer’s disease
    Alzheimer’s disease is a neurodegenerative disease that affects people when they start aging. Though there is no proper cure for Alzheimer’s, preventive measures ensure to keep it at bay. Inflammation and the damage caused by oxidants are one of the major reasons of Alzheimer’s. Turmeric curcumin is known to possess anti-inflammatory properties and contains high levels of antioxidants. Regular consumption of the same can prevent the factors that trigger Alzheimer’s from gaining ground.
  • Helps prevent cancer
    It might come across as a far-fetched notion, but turmeric curcumin does help in preventing the onset of cancer. The search for a cure for cancer is still on, so, the emphasis remains on procuring preventive measures for the same. Turmeric curcumin is known to thwart the process of angiogenesis and metastasis, each of which contributes to the spreading of the cancerous cells in the other parts of the body.
  • Helps patients with arthritis
    Turmeric curcumin is known to possess anti-inflammatory properties and can be used effectively to treat patients with arthritis. Arthritis is a condition in which the immune system goes into overdrive and attacks the healthy cells in the joints. This leads to inflammation in the joints and can cause excruciating pain to the affected person. One can add turmeric to their daily diet or use a turmeric curcumin supplement. Each of these will help reduce the impact of arthritis.

In addition to the above-mentioned health benefits of consuming turmeric curcumin, it also helps in preventing gastrointestinal disorders and improves digestion and liver function.

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