9 Popular Natural Remedies for Ear Infections

9 Popular Natural Remedies for Ear Infections

Ear infection is quite painful. It affects peoples of all ages. The pain caused by an ear infection can range from being mild to sharp. To naturally treat it are some ear infection remedies that you can consider opting for:

Garlic is known for its pain-relieving and potent antimicrobial properties. Thus, it is one of the most popular ear infections remedies that you can try at home. There are a number of ways garlic can be employed to work as a natural remedy for an earache. Take two cloves of garlic and two tablespoons of mustard oil together. Put them on low flame and let it cook until the garlic becomes black. Strain the oil. Insert a few drops of the oil in the affected ear when it is still warm but comfortable to bear. Always use a clean dropper for this method.

Olive oil
An ear infection is also caused due to wax attacked by a bacterial or fungal growth that leads to a blockage in the Eustachian tubes. Use olive oil to clear the blockage, as it is one of the most effective ear infection remedies. Warm olive oil on low heat and dribble a few drops in the infected ear. The oil will hit the wax and soften it. Remove the wax using a cotton swab. However, do not keep the swab too long in the ear as it may cause damage to the eardrum.

Apple cider vinegar
Apple cider vinegar has antibacterial and antifungal properties. It fights chronic yeast infections. This can also be used to handle fungus, which might cause ear infections. Mix 1 part of water with 1 part of ACV and soak a cotton ball in it. Place the cotton ball on the affected ear and keep it on for five minutes. Remove it and lay on the other side for the residual vinegar to drain from the ear. Set your hairdryer on low and dry out the ear. This is one of the most popular ear infection remedies.

This is one of the easiest ear infection remedies using the most easily available ingredient. Take one cup of salt and heat on low flame for a few minutes. Place the salt in a soft and clean cloth. Tie a rubber band to secure the end. As soon as it reaches a temperature that you can stand, lie down and place the cloth pouch on the ear for 10 minutes. Doing this every day will give you the desired result. The warm salt draws out fluid from the affected ear and help in reducing swelling and pain.

Basil has several therapeutic properties; it contains antioxidants and antibacterial properties. Take five leaves of the holy basil plant and crush them to extract the juice. Apply the same to the affected area of the ear. Always be careful not to let the juice enter the ear canal. You can mix a few drops of basil essential oil with coconut oil in equal amounts and soak a cotton ball in it. Wipe the inside, outside, and backside of the ear with this solution. You will get relief from the pain with this ear infection remedy.

Tea tree oil
Tea tree oil is known for its innumerable therapeutic properties. It has antibacterial, antiviral, antiseptic, fungicide, antimicrobial, balsamic, insecticide, stimulant and expectorant properties. All these make the oil one of the sure shot ear infection remedies. Mix a few drops of tea tree oil with one tablespoon of olive oil and warm a bit. Insert one or two drops in the infected ear using a clean dropper. Lie down with the oil for 3 minutes and then turn to the other side drain out the same. Repeat every day till the pain is gone.

Onions have both medicinal and nutritional value. Onion is considered as one of the effective ear infection remedies. It can protect from other serious conditions as well. This is because onions contain a high amount of quercetin, a flavonoid. Quercetin keeps cancer, cataracts, and cardiovascular diseases at bay. Other nutrients found in onion keep bad cholesterol and blood pressure low. It contains anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties that aid in providing relief to sore and inflamed ear. Onion reduces the inflammation and lets the body go to heal the ear infection and reduce the pain substantially.

Ginger roots also have a strong antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties and are considered as one of the most popular ear infection remedies. To treat an ear infection with ginger, you need to extract the juice and pour a few drops in the ear. Alternately, you can mix one teaspoon of ginger juice with two tablespoons of olive oil and keep it aside for ten minutes. Then, use a clean dropper to put the concoction in the ear.

Peppermint oil and leaves
Peppermint is mainly known for its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. It has mild anesthetic properties as well which is quite helpful as an ear infection remedy. Take the juice of freshly crushed peppermint leaves and put a few drops in the ear with the help of a clean dropper. You can also apply the oil around the ear’s opening. However, be careful of not letting the oil go straight inside the ear.

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