A Brief Overview of Normal TSH and Thyroid Levels

A Brief Overview of Normal TSH and Thyroid Levels

TSH level or Thyroid Stimulating Hormone Level is the hormone that is secreted by the pituitary gland that regulated the level of hormones in the body.

A blood test is conducted to explore your hormone level. This test helps you determine your thyroid which helps look into normal TSH levels along with thyroxine (T4) in your blood. A high and low level of both these thyroid hormones helps determine underactive thyroid. When one notices normal TSH levels, it would indicate that a person does not have thyroid-related issues.

An underactive thyroid is determined by the high level of TSH and a low level of T4 in the blood. If one finds normal TSH levels but the T4 is showing low, then it is highly probable that there is a risk of developing an underactive thyroid. This may require a blood test and monitoring often in order to assess the risk level of a person to avoid future thyroid problems. Sometimes, the T3 or triiodothyronine hormone is also used to check underactive hormone but it is seen that T3 hormone can remain normal even when there is a significant underactive thyroid. You may also have an overactive thyroid and these can be detected by keeping a check on the symptoms. This is referred to as Hypothyroidism.

When the TSH level is measured, the diagnosis of hyperthyroidism is usually associated with low or suppressed levels which would not indicate normal TSH levels. Thyroid hormones such as T3 or T4 will be increased for patients with hyperthyroidism. It is not necessary that all the hormones would be high and sometimes only one or two hormones being high can lead to hyperthyroidism.

Feeling extremely cold and struggling to keep warm is also a symptom of underactive thyroid. Feeling extremely hot is also a symptom of thyroid issues. Feeling extremely worn out or tired is also a symptom of thyroid hormone levels which would indicate that a person does not have normal TSH levels. Undiagnosed hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism cause pressure on the heart. Hypothyroidism can cause the furring up of the heart arteries that can be caused by a high level of cholesterol level or hyperthyroidism can cause a higher risk of a stroke as it causes the heart to beat faster.

If you are diagnosed with an underactive thyroid or overactive thyroid, it is easier to make progress and controlling the thyroid. In some cases, you are entitled to free prescription. A treatment is usually prescribed once a thyroid disease is discovered.

Hypothyroidism may take a long time to show results and improve once you are on prescription. It may take up to seven or ten days for the levothyroxine to enter the body’s cell to enter and show improvement. Improvement can take a long time to show and therefore it is advisable to be careful and to not overdo the levothyroxine. This medicine has to be taken on an empty stomach with water and a waiting period of 30 minutes should be exercised before consuming any food. It is essential to remember to not consume any form of calcium carbonate within four hours of your levothyroxine, as this may affect the absorption of levothyroxine in the body. A two hour wait period should be exercised before consuming iron supplements of consuming levothyroxine. There are a few drugs that have also shown difficulty with the absorption of levothyroxine. These drugs may include Ciprofloxacin, Raloxifene, and Orlistat. It is advisable to not have a cup of coffee along with the consumption of Levothyroxine as it can interfere with the T4 absorption. A small study had shown that the consumption of levothyroxine during bedtime has benefited some of the patients. Some people may feel ill with the consumption of levothyroxine. This is mostly as some brands of levothyroxine may not suit some patients. If you have lactose intolerance, you should consume levothyroxine that is lactose-free. Sometimes, lack of certain deficiency in minerals and vitamins may hinder the level of levothyroxine being converted into an adequate level of T3. Some patients may also choose to take Natural desiccated thyroid (NDT).

When detected with hyperthyroidism, the treatment of most patients is with Carbimazole but some patients may not feel very well on this treatment. This may have a side effect of excessive itching that may sometimes be unbearable for a few patients. If this persists, it is advisable to discuss an alternative treatment. The alternative to Carbimazole is Propylthiouracil (PTU). This treatment is usually continued for 18 months before any other treatment is carried on. Sometimes Radio-active Iodine (RAI) or surgery is offered after 18 months of the treatment with Radioactive Iodine (RAI) or surgery is offered Propylthiouracil (PTU).

When a patient continues to bear the symptoms of thyroid issues, the causes of the thyroid disorder has to be considered. As there is no quick fix to the problem, it is advisable to be patient and approach the problem with patience.

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