A Simple Guide to Understanding Medigap Plan F

A Simple Guide to Understanding Medigap Plan F

Medigap plans are supplement plans purchased over your original Medicare insurance policy to provide additional medical coverage. Traditional Medicare plans may not provide complete coverage and medical benefits, which is why Medigap plans offered by private insurance companies are gaining popularity today.

Medigap Plan F is the most popular option according to the recent shift in policy trends observed by the American Association for Medicare Supplement Insurance. This would come as a surprise since Medigap Plan F also happens to be the most expensive in the various categories from Plans A to N offered as supplement insurance.

However, the major reason for many people opting for Plan F is the wide range of coverage it offers when it comes to healthcare costs. Experts agree that trying to save money on the premium payable for medical insurance is not a good idea since it will affect your health coverage in the long run.

Age is also a factor which has to be taken into consideration above all since only people who 65 years and above can opt for Medigap plans, including the most popular Medigap Plan F.

At this age, being insured for a complete healthcare cover is recommended and advised by medical professionals since costs can be quite substantial without health insurance.

Things to look for while comparing Medigap Plan F with popular insurance companies:

Medigap Plan F general coverage offers substantial medical coverage including

  • Part A coinsurance and hospital costs over and above Medicare.
  • Part B coinsurance or copayment.
  • Blood packets, the first three pints for surgery, and transfusion purposes.
  • Part A hospice care copayment.
  • Skilled nursing facility care coinsurance.
  • Part A and Part B deductibles.
  • Foreign travel exchange, which will again differ accordingly compared to plan limits and insurance companies.
  • Out of pocket expenses which will again depend on the type of policy and its insurance carrier.

Pricing options

  • Medigap Plan F can be purchased from private insurance companies in your vicinity since the location is a major factor after age which affects the premium to be paid for the policy.
  • Plans can be searched using your Zip code to give you a comprehensive list of all the companies that offer Medigap Plan F.

Finding the right Medigap Plan F

  • Even when you have managed to narrow down to plan F as your primary option for supplementary healthcare, consider a high deductible Medigap Plan F.
  • These plans are quite expensive to purchase, but high deductibles that can go over a couple of thousand dollars in a year will work out to your benefits cost-wise.

Switching Medigap plans

  • Unlike Medicare which can only be switched during annual election period which starts in October going through December, Medigap plans can be changed any time of the year.
  • Medigap Plan F provides substantial medical coverage for the policy. However, it can prove to be quite expensive forcing people to change to other alternatives midway.
  • Medigap Plan F is beneficial for people who are not afraid to spend a little extra for healthcare cost coverage since at the end of the day you will save a ton of money while being covered by medical insurance.

How to choose the best Medigap Plan F compared across popular insurance companies:

Standardized plans

  • When it comes to making the most of Medigap Plan F, the Federal government has ensured that benefits do not vary across insurance companies which make all the Medigap Plan F policies the same across multiple insurance providers.
  • The insurance carriers cannot change the associated benefits, which makes the price of these policies the only deciding factor.

Claims payment

  • Making claims perhaps is the most strenuous and at the unwanted activity, due to the process associated.
  • However, supplement plans like Medigap Plan F pay on time for one major reason shared payment with Medicare.
  • Medicare pays its share of the claim settlement before the supplement company passes the claim in your favor.
  • Medigap insurance companies, in general, have maintained a good claims payment history throughout which reinforce your faith in supplementary insurance.

Good network of medical professionals

  • Doctors who are already covered under the Medicare network will not worry about the type of supplement plan you have for medical cover.
  • Medigap Plan F will form part of your original healthcare policy which automatically puts you in the vicinity of all certified medical professionals covered under your original insurance.


  • People today are more concerned about the stability and consistency of insurance companies when it comes to Medigap Plan F for all associated factors covered under supplementary healthcare.
  • Medigap Plan F is the most popular policy purchased across popular private insurance providers.

Here are some of the popular private insurance companies that offer supplementary Medigap Plan F:

  • Blue Cross Blue Shield Medicare.
  • Aetna Medicare.
  • American Retirement Life Insurance Medicare.
  • Cigna Medicare.
  • Oxford Medicare.
  • Manhattan Life Medicare.
  • Mutual of Omaha Medicare.
  • Bankers Life Medicare.

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