Different Types of Catheters for Men

Different Types of Catheters for Men

Did your doctor tell that you had to use a urinary catheter? Since there are plenty of options available, the selection process can be an overwhelmingly difficult task. You can seek the help of a healthcare professional to identify the best one but you must be aware of what type of catheter suits your needs.

Intermittent catheters for men

An intermittent catheter for men can be described as a thin tube, usually made using silicone, rubber or vinyl. These types of devices are inserted manually into the bladder for draining urine manually and they make the process of draining urine extremely easy. These catheters allow you to do it all your own and they are also called in and out catheters. They are single-use device and since you can wash and reuse them, you are likely to increase your risk of infection. That is why most people use it once only for draining their bladder. These devices have a length of 16 inches and they are available in a wide range of materials and sizes for men. You can choose the most suitable one based on your unique needs. If you find it difficult to use a straight tip catheter due to enlarged prostate, or blockage; you can use one with a curved tip.

Major variations of intermittent catheters for men

Straight catheters
This type of intermittent catheter for men employs a technology that allows you to drain the bladder at frequent intervals. Since the tubes are uncoated, you have to manually lubricate prior to inserting and it can be done by individual-use packets meant for sterile lubrication. When you purchase the device, you can add them in the order. Based on the needs of the user, they can be found with straight and curved tips. Pocket catheters are also available with a U-shaped package and you can easily carry them by tucking into your pocket.

Hydrophilic catheters
These types of catheters have a close resemblance to straight catheters for men. The only difference is the hydrophilic coating and it can be activated by water to become slippery so that you can use them immediately. It eliminates all complexities of using a catheter and you do not have to make efforts to lubricate manually. These types of devices offer a hassle-free catheterization experience for the user. Some brands of hydrophilic catheters come with a handling sleeve and it allows you to manipulate the device without touching the tube. With these types of catheters for men, you do not have to bother about infection.

Closed system catheters
Closed system catheters can be described as self-contained and sterile devices and they come with pre-lubricated features. There is a collection bag available as well. These catheters are a good option for travel and they are also extremely handy for people in wheelchairs. There is no need to transfer to a toilet and the use of a receptacle is also not needed. Self-cathing becomes a reality in a place where you have some privacy. The self-contained collection bag is the one that offers all these benefits. These closed system devices have some extra accessories like underpad, antiseptic wipe and gloves to reduce the risk of infection and they also come with introducer tips that help the catheter bypass the elated concentrations of bacteria upon insertion.

Indwelling catheter
The indwelling catheter also known as a foley catheter needs to be inserted with the help of a doctor or nurse. You can keep it in the bladder to permit the draining of urine throughout the day and the attached drainage bag collects the urine. For avoiding any slippage, you can find a tiny mall balloon located near the insertion tip and when it reaches the bladder, it is inflated by sterile water. These types of catheters are meant for long-term use and they are a good choice for people who are finding it difficult to insert a catheter on their own. With this device, you can sustain intermittent catheterization for the entire day without frequent interventions. There is a possibility of infection because the device stays inside the body for a long duration of time.

External/Condom catheters
One of the most common choices utilized for incontinence problems is external catheters. They are also known as condom catheters and these devices do not follow the process of inserting a tube into the urethra. On the other hand, they are fitted over the penis like a condom and an adhesive is used to keep them intact. They are connected to a drainage bag through a tube from the tip of the catheter. These devices are good for short-term use and you have to change it after a day or two.

These are the most popular catheters for men available in the market and you can choose the most suitable one depending on your tastes, preferences, and requirements.

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