An Introduction to the Types of Itchy Skin Rashes

An Introduction to the Types of Itchy Skin Rashes

There are many kinds of rash that can affect an individual at some point in time in life. Rashes are in fact quite common, and people have experienced it right since childhood. However, these are very irritating and hinder our everyday activities. Firstly, you have to know what a rash is exactly. A rash cannot be specifically diagnosed. It is a kind of inflammation that can also be seen normally on the skin. There are common rashes of skin that are poison, eczema, hives, and ivy. Infections such as bacterial, fungal, viral or parasitic, can lead to rashes in general. There are also over-the-counter products that are useful to treat skin rashes in people. The rash that remains there for longer than a few days requires doctor’s advice.

Type of itchy skin rashes
There different kinds of noninfectious rashes as well. When a person develops a new rash, he is also likely to develop a fever or other illness caused by the rash. It is recommended to see a doctor to treat the problem in its earliest stages.

Atopic dermatitis
It is also known as eczema. It is a common disorder that begins in childhood and results in the appearance of red, weeping and itchy rashes. These rashes develop on the inner side of elbows and at the back side of knee and cheeks, wrist, neck, and ankles. People suffering from asthma and hay fever usually experience it.

Seborrheic dermatitis
It is a single rash but common in nature. It usually affects the adult population. It leaves behind red scaling and itchy rash. They generally occur on the scalp, brows, external ears, cheeks and forehead. In children, it usually occurs on the scalp.

Contact dermatitis
This rash spreads through contact. When someone comes in contact with a specific chemical that he is allergic to, there is a likelihood for him for developing irritating, itchy skin rashes. There are chemicals that cause allergy and irritation. A rash developed under this condition is weepy in nature. It affects only those part that comes directly in contact with the allergic substance. Common rashes falling under this category are poison ivy, poison oak, and poison sumac.

Diaper rash
This rash falls in the category of itchy skin rashes caused due to contact dermatitis. It occurs in infants and adults. Children who wear diapers come in contact with feces and urine often, these results in diaper rash. Also, elderly people who wear diapers are also vulnerable to this condition.

Stasis dermatitis
This is oozy, weepy dermatitis. It develops in the lower areas of legs. People who develop chronic swelling due to poor circulation of veins suffer from this kind of rash.

This is a bumpy and scaling eruption. It causes weep and ooze. Psoriasis develops on scalp, knees, and elbows. This skin condition produces silver flakes.

This causes red and itchy bumps on the affected skin. It occurs all of the sudden and goes away in around eight hours. However, this kind of rash develops frequently. In case of hives are caused by a drug, it is recommended to avoid intake of this drug in future.

Nummular eczema
It is an oozy and weepy dermatitis. It develops into coin shapes plaque. They occur during wintertime. The rash is linked to dry skin.

Drug eruptions
Some drugs have side effects on certain people. As a result, people suffer from skin rash.

Heat Rashes
This is a kind of skin eruption. It can occur at any age. It is most common in infants. Heat rash appears like a red cluster of acne or small blisters. It develops on the neck and upper chest, in elbow creases or under the breast. Staying in a cooler environment also offers relief.

The rashes that are not caused by infectious organisms are treated with over-the-counter medications. Using 1% of hydrocortisone cream for a week can help. There are also oral antihistamines such as diphenhydramine or hydroxyzine that can be a way to control itching in people.

Treatment for itchy skin rashes

  • Not all rashes are chronic. Some outbreaks go away early, while others take it long to leave our bodies. But, most rashes fall in the latter category. Some rashes get better on their own, while others require medications and medical treatment to deal with the problem. Nonprescription drugs or over-the-counter drugs are a way to treat itchy skin rash.Apply anti-itch cream containing 1% of the hydrocortisone cream also proves effective.
  • Oral antihistamines such as hydroxyzine and diphenhydramine help manage the itchy rashes.
    There are also moisturizing lotions that help relieve some of the conditions.
  • Fungal infections can be treated with topical antifungal medication containing clotrimazole or terbinafine or miconazole.

In case, these measures do not also work, and the rash remains there and becomes widespread, it is advisable to consult a dermatologist. There are many types of rashes with diverse kind of causes and symptoms; it is imperative to know their type and causes before looking for a remedy. It is imperative to contact a doctor if you have the problem persists.

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