Best Hair Regrowth Products and Their Application

Best Hair Regrowth Products and Their Application

Everyone wants thick and lustrous hair, and this holds true for men and women alike. However, not everyone has the good fortune of having the desired kind of hair naturally. If you are not so lucky to have a thick and bouncy hair, or you are amongst those who are worried about excess hair fall, don’t lose heart. Nowadays, you can find different products for hair regrowth. All you need to do is to select the best hair regrowth products for yourself and apply it according to the directions. While selecting the best hair regrowth product can certainly ensure desired hair growth, you should not expect to get any overnight results. Dedicate some time to feel the difference.

Availability of a wide range of hair growth products in the market leaves you confused at times. That is why a few tips for selecting the best hair regrowth products are listed below:

Hair oil – Like every other part of the human body, hairs need proper nourishment to maintain its length and volume as well. When it comes to a healthy hair growth, there is certainly no alternative for hair oil. You need to apply oil to your scalp regularly for holding the hair roots firmly. Also, you need to apply oil to the entire length of your hair. It is always better to go for natural oils like coconut oil or olive oil. Castor oil can also be helpful, but that is not for everyday use. Whatever be the type of oil you select, it should not be any synthetic oil or artificial oil with perfumes, as these do not offer many benefits.

Hot oil treatment- An oil massage or applying oil to scalp every day is not enough for ensuring hair regrowth. You need to massage hot oil into your scalp once in every ten to fifteen days, depending on the condition of your hair. You can purchase hot oils or can heat coconut oil, whichever suits you the best. You can also add a few curry leaves to the hot oil for added benefits. Whether it is a hot oil massage or a regular oil treatment of hair, you should ensure that the oil is distributed evenly everywhere, else it will not be possible to ensure healthy growth.

A shampoo is essential- Applying oil is essential. However, you should make sure that your scalp is cleansed of the oil at a regular interval. Select a mild shampoo, preferably a herbal one. Rinse your hair as and when required for ensuring better growth. Shampooing your hair is generally suggested twice a week as cleaning it every day can increase hair fall. Also, it is better to wash your hair with cold water instead of a hot steamy bath. Mild shampoos go easy on the hair and are the best hair regrowth products that aim to cleanse and strengthen your hair.

A conditioner is important- Many of us often forget to use a conditioner after washing our hair with shampoo. If you are also among them, it is better for you to rectify the mistake at once or else you may experience dryness of hair. Dry hair gets frizzy with time and can break while combing. Also, you should be careful about combing wet hair, as a little negligence can lead to breakage, which in turn affects hair regrowth adversely.

Use serum and styling products intelligently – Always remember a simple fact that a long and strong hair is always a thing of beauty. There is no need to get it styled with heat or any other artificial styling products, as these make an adverse effect on hair. Yes, you can always apply hair serum for improving its shine and flexibility. However, the selection of serum should be done intelligently. Go for the one that has received a maximum positive response from users. Also, avoid harsh chemicals or fragrance.

Supplements are necessary- Apart from the above-mentioned products, you can also try out different supplements for hair regrowth. Supplements are available in stores, and you need to select the right one depending on your hair type. When selecting supplements, make sure that you opt for herbal ones and not the artificial ones. Like serum, you need to make sure to check reviews and labels of the supplements that you purchase.

The right comb can work wonders- Though the above-mentioned products are useful for regrowth of hair, you cannot ignore the importance of comb. You should use a good quality comb to withstand breakage of hairs and preventing unwanted hair fall. Using a wide-tooth comb ensures that your hair doesn’t break while combing.

Choosing and applying the best hair regrowth products is not something difficult, and you can easily get it done on your own. However, if you cannot get the job done accurately, visiting a salon will be an ideal choice. Just applying hair growth products is not enough. You need to follow a healthy lifestyle along with a balanced diet. Reduce excess oil and spices in your diet. Instead, increase the intake of vegetables and fruits. Also, keep yourself hydrated by consuming water. Though trimming hair frequently is not recommended, you can definitely tie your hair to protect it from breakage.

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