Best Natural Exfoliating Face Techniques

Best Natural Exfoliating Face Techniques

The skin with overexposure of the sun and pollution can get dull and its natural glow. This can be due to various reasons such as issues in health and tiredness. Mostly this occurs as the layer of dead skin may get clogs, thereby closing the pores and does not allow your skin to glow. New skin cells that are created in the dermis also require regular shed off to renew the process of generating new cells and keep a healthy skin.

Exfoliation is an integral part of a good skincare regime, and it is the ideal method to clean out clogged pores. The process involves the removal of dead skin cells that have clogged the outer layer of the surface of the skin. This exfoliation process includes facials, peels, and microdermabrasion.

Some people may experience that they need to exfoliate their faces with a mild exfoliator on an everyday basis. To understand the exfoliation process on the face, one also needs to understand their skin type and skin need. A choice of an exfoliator should be made after considerable research and knowledge of your skin type. Some of the kitchen counter products can help you exfoliate your skin gently.

A popular choice amongst many women is a face brush. Face brush is a good start where you want to exfoliate your face gently. You can simply use the brush with your regular face wash. It is important to invest in a good face brush to get desired results. This can help you in achieve several other benefits such as your improving the skin tone, controlling blemishes, and breakouts, and leaving an extremely clean feeling on the skin. There are two types of face brush; a motor operated one, and a normal brush Hydrea Professionals have a good range of facial brush. You can either dry brush your face or wash your face normally with water using the brush.

There are certain DIY facial scrubs and naturally exfoliates that may prove beneficial for your skin in the long run.

Baking Soda is a popular choice amongst people who want to exfoliate the skin on a daily basis. Simply keeping the baking soda inaccessible areas where you usually exfoliate is a start. It is extremely easy to use, a tablespoon or less can be used on the face in a circular motion, and the liquid that comes out is a natural soap liquid. Baking soda is also an ingredient in many exfoliation products.

A rich source of glycolic acid is crystallized sugar which supports the boost of cell production. This, in turn, helps towards the breaking down of the protein that retains the dead cells on the skin. You can mix these pure sugar crystals in an oil of your choice and make a paste. This paste then can be used on your skin in circular motions and rinsed and washed as usual.

Sea salt has had a history of benefits and is part of the skincare regime of most. The minerals in the salt help in the rejuvenation of skin and help in the stimulation of cell growth. A sea salt scrub can be made by mixing it with essential oil and scrubbed on the face in circular motion.

Oatmeal is the perfect pair of sensitive skin. It is anti-inflammatory and therefore helps to retain the moisture of the skin. Oatmeal can be used with honey or yogurt. Honey is anti-bacterial, antiviral and anti-fungal. IT helps fight acne and exfoliants can be mixed with it to generate antioxidant benefits Along with its anti-bacterial benefits. This is a refreshing scrub and helps in regenerating the health of your skin.

Kefir, which is similar to yogurt is extremely beneficial as it contains a bacteria that is a natural source of lactic acid. Not only does it hydrate and smooth the skin, but it also helps in battling the dead cells.

Lemon and Sugar scrub is also a known toxic scrub that can help your skin feel clean, exfoliated and hydrated. This would also assist in giving an excellent healthy circulation of lemon essential oil is used. Coconut oil should be avoided as it may lead to blocking of the pores.

It is essential to moisturize the skin afterward the scrubbing as natural oils can be lost during this process. Do not over-scrub your face as it may cause damage to the skin in the long run. Scrubbing is dependent on factors such as age, skin type, environment, etc. Exfoliating your skin might not strip your face of the oils, but if you have dry skin, a moisturizer is essential. If you have oily and acne prone skin, it is recommended to stay away from heavy scrubs. Normal or combination skin type can benefit from baking soda, and a weekly treatment is recommended.

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