Causes and Precautionary Measures for Watery Eyes from Allergies

Causes and Precautionary Measures for Watery Eyes from Allergies

An individual’s eyes are highly sensitive and are the first ones to react to any sort of allergy. The most prominent symptoms include a peculiar burning sensation, redness, and watery discharge from the eyes. Allergies are temporary in nature and can be avoided by staying away from the potential source. If triggered, home remedies work best to cure them. However, if the symptoms persist for a considerable period of time, it is sensible to give your doctor a quick visit.

Watery eyes caused by allergies can be experienced as a result of the body’s reaction to a particular allergen that is found specifically during a change in the seasons. Hence, these are called seasonal allergies. For example, allergy caused by pollen during the season of autumn. Moreover, an individual might be allergic to basic, day-to-day substances such as dust, perfumes, smoke, etc. Such type of allergies are known as perennial allergies as their causes cannot be dispensed with and hence, they keep on triggering an allergic response.

The eyes discharge a typical watery liquid as a reaction to irritation, especially for cleanliness purposes. Moreover, since the eyes are connected to the nasal cavity, any type of nasal allergy also initiates a watery discharge. The antigen can either be a virus or pollen. Following are some of the ailments that cause watery eyes from allergies:

Hay fever –  This is a type of nasal allergy that is activated by an immune response to a very commonly found allergen such as dust. Seasonal changes aggravate the allergy. It results in watery eyes along with sneezing and a running nose.

Conjunctivitis – Conjunctivitis or eye flu, turns one or both the eyes watery and gives a deep pink color. This happens when the outermost layer of the eye, known as conjunctiva, gets inflamed and infected.

Common cold – Common cold is an ordinary allergy that is induced by rhinovirus. Irritated, sore throat, coughing give, and watery eyes from allergies an indication towards common cold. It is infectious in nature and can be easily transmitted through the air.

Influenza – Influenza or the flu is caused by a microbe from the category of influenza viruses. It is similar to the common cold in terms of symptoms. Apart from watery eyes, it is accompanied by high fever and muscular cramps.

Sinusitis –  Sinusitis is another medical condition that can result in watery eyes. It is exacerbated by air pollution causing inflammation of the sinuses. Its signs and symptoms usually last for a relatively a longer period of time.

Some persons also face allergy to food items such as wheat, rice, milk and may get watery eyes from allergies. The first and foremost step towards finding a solution is to prevent the allergen from reaching you. The following precautions should be taken to avoid allergies or at least, limit their impact:

Wear eye gear –  While venturing outside, make sure to wear glasses that will protect your eyes from pollen. Wearing a cap or tying a scarf can also prove effective.

Stay away from pets –  Everybody loves having pets; however, chances are that you might be allergic to pet dander. In that case, staying away from pets will save you from watery eyes from allergies.

Keep the windows closed –  Keep the windows closed so as to control the flow of dust inside the house. Wire mesh can be used on doors to filter allergens. Carpets also attract a lot of dust and pollen, hence, are a big no-no.

Use dehumidifiers –  Dehumidifiers help in preventing your house from becoming the breeding ground of allergens. They help in maintaining an optimum level of humidity, especially, when ventilation is limited.

Maintain cleanliness – Wash your clothes, mattresses, pillows regularly to check the accumulation of allergens. Though it can be a tedious task, it is essential to clean and wash your curtains from time to time.

It is also possible that a particular medicine might be causing watery eyes from allergies as a side effect. If you discover a pattern that relates the above two, it is advisable to check with a doctor for reconsidering the medication. If an allergy has been activated, splash cold running water in your eyes. A temporary allergy will subside on its own.

If you find that your eyes do not stop watering even after having used every possible home remedy, a medicine under the guidance of a doctor can be taken. The doctor will perform a blood test, prick test, asthma test, and prescribe the medicines accordingly. Antihistamines and corticosteroids are recommended; however, drowsiness is a common side effect of these medicines for watery eyes from allergies.

Homeopathy and acupuncture may or may not prove to be fruitful. Always keep a nasal spray handy for immediate relief. In general, keeping away from grasses and weeds is suggested. Also, allergen immunotherapy can be conducted to generate long-term resistance to allergy.

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