Choosing the Best Lotion for Eczema

Choosing the Best Lotion for Eczema

A very common skin disease causes skin inflammation, redness and general itchiness is known as eczema that is also known as dermatitis. One of the major triggers of eczema includes dry skin and dryness, and so preventing dryness is key. Dryness of the skin can be prevented by following a good skin care routine that includes regular moisturizing and general hygiene through cleanliness. Bathing with a mild antiseptic soap followed by good moisturizing are the key treatments to help treat and prevent eczema.

Importance of moisturizing
One of the most effective methods of controlling eczema is to keep the moisture of the skin intact since it is common knowledge that when the skin gets dry, it can get irritated and flare up the condition of eczema.

Dry skin is a result of a lot of factors such as cold temperatures, low humidity, wind, harsh soaps or detergents, excessive washing, lack of moisturizing and lack of warmth. Proper moisturizing and using products best matched to deal with skin conditions like eczema are crucial to controlling this disorder.

Some points to remember when moisturizing to fix conditions as eczema include:

  • Any topical prescription medication should be applied as directed before moisturizing.
  • Within three minutes of showering or bathing, it is important to cover the skin with a decent layer of moisturizer to lock in the moisture already present in the skin and to protect the skin barrier.
  • The routine of bathing and moisturizing should be scheduled for night time before sleep as it helps the skin restore its moisture levels, calm down and rejuvenate.
  • Using moisturizers that are dye free and fragrance-free are the least irritating and safe to use even for sensitive skin.
  • Contamination of the lotion should be prevented by not dipping hands and fingers into the moisturizer bottle or container. A pump spray, pour bottle or scoop spoon should be used.
  • The moisturizer should be softened and warmed between the hands before being applied to the body, which helps in absorbing the same.
  • The ideal movement for applying moisturizer is to press the palm containing the moisturizer into the skin in downward strokes, and up-down strokes or circular movements should be avoided.
  • Excessive moisturizer should be allowed to absorb into the skin and not removed hastily. Gentle rubbing usually helps the moisturizer to absorb better.
  • Hands should be moisturized every time they are washed with soap and when they come in contact with water to prevent chronic drying.
  • In case eczema gets pretty bad across the hands, the use of prescription medication followed by the application of moisturizer should be followed as a nightly routine. Cotton gloves can also be worn to help lock the moisture

Importance of moisturizing after bath or shower
Water can be used as an effective agent to put moisture back into the skin, provided that it is used with care. For example, only lukewarm water should be used and not hot water. Furthermore, excessive scrubbing should be avoided. A good moisturizer aimed at treating eczema should be applied post wash within three minutes to lock down the moisture. This is particularly important as not moisturizing immediately after a bath or shower makes the water from the skin evaporate quickly.

Effective moisturizers for eczema
The most common moisturizers available in the market are not any good for treating a skin condition like eczema. Many moisturizers should not be used on skin inflamed due to eczema; some may even flare up the condition and make it worse.

There are three basic types of moisturizers:

  • Creams
  • Lotions
  • Ointments

These can be used alone or in combination with each other to properly hydrate the skin without making eczema worse and also keeping the rash under control.

Moisturizers are classified by the amount of water and oil that they contain. More oil in a moisturizer means it will work better in treating eczema. Moisturizers that feel greasy upon application are usually the ones that work the best as they contain good ratios of oil and help lock in moisture while keeping out the skin irritants.

When it comes to caring for the hands, it is important to understand that hands are most affected by this skin condition as they are frequently exposed to harsh conditions and water. When washed properly, hands should be dried by blotting them with a clean towel and immediately moisturizing them. One way to do this is to place a moisturizer near every sink in the house when possible or to carry a small tube so that the moisturizer can be reapplied throughout the day.

It is important to pick a gentle moisturizer that has no dyes or fragrances or scents, as these usually tend to make skin conditions like eczema worse.

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