Common Symptoms of Dust Mite Allergy That You Must Know

Common Symptoms of Dust Mite Allergy That You Must Know

Dust mites feed on dust and dead skin cells shed by people. These tiny bugs grow rapidly in the moist environments with high humidity. The dust mites cause the dust mite allergy which is quite common among the people. As per the report of the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America (AAFA), around twenty million people suffer from dust mite allergy in the United States of America.

Exposure to dust particles causes the dust mite allergy. Breathing in the air polluted by the dust mites stimulates the body to produce antibiotics against them. The body response to tackle the dust mite allergy often causes the common symptoms of a running nose and frequent sneezing. Over time the dust mite allergy may progress into asthma and sinus infections. It is essential to know the dust mite allergy symptoms to treat the problem effectively.

Causes of Dust mite allergy
The human immune system responds to the allergens. The allergens could be dust mites and pollens. Generally, some people are highly allergic to the leftovers of the bugs. These leftovers include decaying bodies and faeces of the bug.

The dust mites are commonly found in the bed, carpets, cushions, and furniture. These are the perfect conditions for the dust mite to thrive. Breathing in the air contaminated by dust mites aggravates the dust mite allergy.

Symptoms of Dust mite allergy
The dust mite allergy symptoms vary among individuals. Some of them may have mild allergies while others could have severe. Some of the common symptoms include:

  • Itching on skin
  • Flowing and itchy nose
  • Cough
  • Irritated and watery eyes
  • Congestion
  • Postnasal drip
  • Sore throat
  • Difficulty in sleeping
  • Sinus problems
  • Swelling and clue skin under the eyes

These are the general symptoms of dust mite allergy. However, if a person suffers from asthma, the symptoms grow more intense. The symptoms in such cases are a pain in the chest, asthma attack, coughing, continuous sneezing, and trouble during talking, wheezing when exhaling, shortness of breath and tightness in the chest.

The symptoms of dust mite allergy last for short to long time intervals. A mild allergy could result in watery eyes, sneezing and flowing nose. Severe allergy cases result in regular sneezing, chronic chest pain, and even an asthma attack.

If you detect the dust mite allergy symptoms, it is advised to see a doctor at the earliest. Initially the symptoms of the allergy are same as that of common cold. But if the problem persists, you must visit the doctor. If the intensity of the allergy is high you could find it difficult to sleep and hear some whistling sounds during sleeping. Shortness of breath can increase the breathing problem.

Risk Factors that show the likely possibility of developing dust mite allerg

If the members of your family have suffered from dust mite allergy, you have the higher chances to develop an allergy. Continuous exposure to dusty environment increases the probability of the development of allergy. There are higher chances of development of allergy during early stages of childhood and adulthood.

Chronic dust mite allergy can cause asthma and sinus infection. People can also develop the risk of an asthma attack which must be dealt quickly to avoid casualties. Appropriate medical treatment with the emergency must be provided to the patient.

The inflammation caused by chronic dust mite allergy can obstruct the sinuses. This blocks the nasal passage which increases the chances of occurrence of sinusitis.

Diagnosis of the dust mite allergy
The doctors connect tests to determine the cause and extent of the dust mite allergy. Share the symptoms you experience with the doctor and he may suggest you a couple of tests. Some common tests conducted are:

  • Skin Prick Test: The doctor places a small amount of allergen on the skin. He will prick the surrounding skin using a needle. If you find swelling or redness within twenty minutes, this indicates you are allergic to that particular substance. At times wheal a round area on the pricked spot could also appear.
  • Specific IgE Blood Test: The dust mite allergy in patients who suffer from specific skin problem can be diagnosed with a blood test. A blood sample test is taken from the patient and sent to the laboratories for testing. Allergens are added to the blood sample. The count of antibodies produced to counter the attack of the allergens is measured. The IgE blood test is ideal for children.

There are different treatments for dust mite allergy symptoms. Don’t expose yourselves to the dust mite environments. Several medications such as antihistamines, decongestants, nasal corticosteroids reduce the symptoms of the dust mite allergy. All the above medications are available as nose sprays, pills, liquids, and drops.

If you find the symptoms of dust mite allergy, it is advised to see the doctor. Get the problem diagnosed correctly and get the proper medical treatment.

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