Common Symptoms of Mold Infection That You Should Know

Common Symptoms of Mold Infection That You Should Know

Mold is a fungus that is known to grow in areas having a lot of moisture. The mold spores present in the air indoors or outdoors may trigger several health conditions including mold allergies. Many factors can cause the growth of mold. Unknown leakage, moisture build up in unreachable places, damp areas under the carpet, and so on are areas where mold growth is most susceptible.

Molds may grow all through the year, and this is precisely why mold allergies can crop up at any time of the year. People who develop allergies to mold may show symptoms of mold from mid-summer to early fall. People with weak immunity or high sensitivity often lie at a greater risk of getting mold allergy. The symptoms of mold allergy are histamine-mediated and strikingly similar to air-borne allergies. While the severity of the symptoms of mold varies with every individual, the health risk may depend on the extent of mold exposure. Some of the symptoms of mold that may appear immediately on exposure or over time have been listed below.

Sneezing, coughing, and congestion
Often people attacked by spore allergies initially display signs of a cold or sinus infection. Symptoms of mold allergy are accompanied by a runny nose, post nasal drips, continuous sneezing, and coughing.

Watery eyes and redness
People with mold spore reactions have symptoms of mold infection in the form of eye irritation, redness, itchy eyes, and the like. While these symptoms resemble that of a viral or seasonal infection, it is important that these are treated with anti-mold allergy drugs. Blurred vision, mood swings, and sharp pains may also be other symptoms of mold-induced allergies. Often, people administer generic over-the-counter drugs that may either not be effective or worsen the condition. It is, therefore, extremely important to consult a doctor for prescribed medication to tackle the disease.

Chest tightness and difficulty in breathing
Symptoms of mold infection include chest congestion, tightness, shortness of breath, and the like. People with asthma experience their condition worsening. People with asthma may have more pronounced symptoms including wheezing, continuous coughing, and other signs of an asthma attack.

Skin rash and irritation
All individuals, whether they are allergic to molds or not, display symptoms of mold in the form of skin or eye irritation. Often the black mold or Stachybotrys produces the mycotoxin toxin and causes discomfort in the eyes, airways, and skin, People with sensitive skin are more prone to developing skin rashes. Tingling, numbness, and unusual skin sensation may be some of the symptoms of mold allergy in hypersensitive individuals.

Fever and fatigue
In many cases, people with a weak immune system, develop severe symptoms of mold exposure like fever and breathing difficulty. People with chronic lung ailments are susceptible to developing serious lung infections. Fatigue and weakness is a common symptom among people affected by mold allergy.

Other symptoms of mold
In certain cases when the symptoms of mold allergies become severe, people may develop complicated health conditions with symptoms including muscular pain, chills, blood-tinged sputum, fever, shortness of breath, and the like. In some people, symptoms of mold may be experienced in the form of poor memory, poor concentration, light sensitivity, vertigo, and disorientation. Frequent urination, increased thirst, body temperature regulation, mood swings, bloating, abdominal ache, diarrhea, static shocks, and the like are other symptoms of mold infection.

Hypersensitivity pneumonitis
Farmer’s lungs or hypersensitivity is caused due to allergic reactions to the mold found in various types of crops. It may also be caused due to allergy-causing dust at work. Often, this condition may be undiagnosed, but it can cause serious health implications. When not treated, the lung may form fibrosis that may worsen to the extent that the patient may have difficulty breathing. People who are engaged in managing crops must, therefore, watch out for histamine infections and seek adequate treatment before to avoid the allergy from progressing.

Mold indicted asthma
People allergic to mold may breathe in spores that may cause asthma to flare-up. People with mold allergy and asthma must be extra cautious and have an emergency plan to manage the symptoms.

Fungal sinusitis
Allergic fungal sinusitis may stem up from an inflammatory reaction to the fungus in the sinuses.

Allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis
Symptoms of mold infection may worsen when people with asthma or cystic fibrosis may get affected by the fungus in the lungs. If musty odors bother you or you live in a building that has discolored walls, the chances are high that you could be affected by molds. It is, therefore, important to identify the cause of mold infection and find ways to reduce molds. This can be done by keeping your home moisture free, cleaning all damp areas, regularly checking your basement for mold formation, periodically filtering out the air, and removing yourself from any contaminated environments.

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