Deal with Pain Effectively with the Best Pain Relievers on the Market

Deal with Pain Effectively with the Best Pain Relievers on the Market

Pain can be one of the most frustrating and exhausting ailments that can affect the human body, whether it be due to an injury, arthritis or cramps.

Pain can cause problems by impairing a person’s judgment and making them stay in bed all day.

The science of relieving pain has evolved constantly over the years. Using enhanced research into pain management has led to the best pain relievers being developed by various pharmaceutical agencies worldwide.

Picking the right kind of painkiller is not simple because new medications are constantly introduced by pharmaceutical brands regularly. Each pain reliever has its own unique feature and dosage.

We bring you a comprehensive list of both natural and medicated pain relievers, to help you with the pain management process.

Arthritis Pain Relievers

  • Turmeric is a natural antiseptic and is constantly used in many parts of Asia and Africa to aid in curing heartburn. It is also known to be a great pain reliever for patients with arthritis. Due to a component in turmeric called curcumin, it has anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Acetaminophen is the medical alternative to turmeric for arthritis. This drug is available at six hundred and fifty milligrams and is extremely potent. Taking two caplets of acetaminophen extended release caplets a day should help bring down most fevers, reduce swellings and help relieve pain.
  • Walgreens acetaminophen arthritis caplets are some of the best pain relievers for arthritis.

Spasms and Muscle Cramps

  • Valerian root is an extremely intense herb that has numerous medicinal ingredients. This versatile herb is used mainly to treat sleep disorders and anxiety.
  • It also has properties that act as one of the best pain relievers for spasms and muscular cramping. Its origins were traced back to ancient Rome and Greece. Used as oils and balms, Valerian root is known to help reduce swelling through its anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Ibuprofen is one of the most popular pain management drugs available in the market. It’s a low dose, over the counter drug, which comes in various forms like capsules, chewable tablets, and standard oral tablets. Ibuprofen can act quickly and has properties that help muscles relax, as well as pain management components. Advil is one of the most popular ibuprofen tablets in the market today. Walgreens is another pharmaceutical giant who produces excellent ibuprofen.


  • St. John’s wort, also known as Hypericum perforatum is a herb that is full of medicinal properties. This yellow flowering plant is known to help combat everything from depression to managing pain. It can be used as a supplement capsule, balm or oil. It is known for its ability to help alleviate pain for patients who have sciatica. This herb can also be dried and used as a tea or can be found in a syrup form.

Epidural Steroid Injections

Pain management therapy has evolved from being solely an oral form of medication. Injections are a common practice in managing various levels of pain, swiftly and efficiently. This method is much quicker than oral medication, as the medicine is directly injected into the blood and begins to act almost instantly. Steroids are used to treat many different types of ailments, that range from asthma to sciatica. Epidural steroids are a type of steroid that is specifically used as a painkiller and an anti-inflammatory drug. Ensure that the steroid is injected by or with the presence of a medical professional. Stick to the recommended dosage, as an overdose of any steroid can have cataclysmic after effects.

This treatment is administered through an injection directly into the lower back, and into the sciatic nerve. The injection is guided by an X-ray. Epidural steroid injections are limited to three times a year, to avoid loss of bone density and other major side effects.


  • Ginseng root is famous for its medicinal and general health qualities. It also has properties that help in pain management. Ginseng is one of the best pain relievers around, that helps to manage fibromyalgia. The American Pain Foundation considers ginseng as one of the most beneficial herbs, for both general health and pain management. It can be used in food preparation, as an oil or even as soap. Ginseng tea is commonly used by athletes to help build immunity and to manage minor injuries.
  • Fluoxetine is commonly used to manage fibromyalgia, though being an antidepressant and antianxiety drug. Fluoxetine has anti-inflammatory properties and pain management properties. It also has components that help reduce fatigue around the muscles and freeing up blood flow. Fluoxetine isn’t just a pain management drug for fibromyalgia; it helps the overall condition by managing fatigue and sleep deprivation, associated with the disease, as well as managing the pain. Prozac is the most famous brand of fluoxetine available.

Ensure that all treatments for pain management are taken after consulting a physician, and always maintain recommended dosage as per the prescription. Some drugs should be taken under medical supervision only.

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