Early Stroke Symptoms to Be Aware Of

Early Stroke Symptoms to Be Aware Of

A stroke is one of the most feared ailment that both men and women can suffer from. This is an attack on the brain that can happen to anyone at any time of their lives. The circulation of the blood to the brain is the primary source of oxygen that results in the smooth functioning of the human body.

In case this flow of blood is disrupted, oxygen fails to reach the brain, and the brain cells start dying. This situation is called as a stroke. The physical and mental trauma of a stroke is not limited to just the patient but also affects the patient’s family and friends, as it is a life-threatening ailment.

The severity of a stroke depends upon the area of the brain that is affected due to the lack of oxygen. It usually affects the motor control senses and causes disturbances in the nervous system of the patient. It is said that every stroke survivor faces different stroke symptoms. The possibilities of stroke may be detected earlier by a medical practitioner in case the person visits the doctor for any discomfort. Some common early stroke symptoms can broadly be categorized under the title of FAST. This stands for,

  • F: Face drooping
  • A: Arm weakness
  • S: Speech difficulty
  • T: Time to call for help

When a person is under the threat of a stroke attack, their face might droop or feel numb when they smile or speak. Their speech may be slurred or abnormal. Also, their arms might feel numb when raised. In case a person undergoes any of these symptoms he or she should immediately call for help or send for medical assistance. Even if any of these signs are observed for a while and may subside after some time, it is still advised to visit a doctor at the earliest.

Warning Signs Not To Be Ignored

It is best not to ignore the simple signs and even slight uneasiness in this regard. This is because these symptoms may trigger the diagnosis and thus prevention of strokes which are highly fatal in nature. Quick and early detection and treatment can help in the cure and results in faster recovery of the patient. Some other early stroke symptoms noticed among men and women are:

  1. Weakness or paralysis of any part of the body
  2. Numbness in any part of the body
  3. Dizzy feeling
  4. Disrupted balance in walking or coordination
  5. Severe and prolonged headache
  6. Blurred vision

Doctors state that if a patient is diagnosed with stroke and is admitted in the hospital for emergency treatment within the initial three hours of the onset of the stroke, the patient is expected to recover the best and fastest.

The Risk Factor

Though strokes can happen to anyone, there is a difference between stress and a stroke. Simply having an acute headache may not necessarily mean that the person is at risk of a stroke attack. However, if a headache persists over a prolonged period and is also accompanied by other early stroke symptoms, then it is best to seek professional help at the earliest.

Every year hundreds of people suffer from a stroke. Medical practitioners offer some noted facts about stroke that has been observed among the masses. Some of the key findings reveal that:

  • The risk of stroke increases with the age of the individual
  • Women are more at risk to strokes than men
  • People with health issues like high blood pressure and high cholesterol are more at risk of strokes
  • People who smoke excessively or consume alcohol in large quantities may be prone to strokes

In many cases, doctors note that the patient might have suffered from mild strokes earlier in life. The strokes were either not diagnosed or the patient did not take the warning seriously. A fatal one may often follow mild strokes in the coming years.

Early Detection Helps Prevention

Stroke is one of the most leading causes of various long-term physical disabilities like paralysis, difficulty in movement and balance, problems in memory and thinking, emotional wellness, change in behavior and extreme physical exhaustion, and tiredness. In extreme cases, strokes may also result in the patient’s death. Hence, stroke is an ailment that is never taken lightly by doctors.

It is best to be prepared beforehand in order to act swiftly in case of emergency situations. Some pointers to remember are:

  • Know the early stroke symptoms well and educate others
  • Make people close to you aware of your ailments, allergies, medical conditions, etc
  • Teach your children about FAST and calling for help during emergencies

Advancement in medical science has enabled health experts to develop aggressive treatments and therapy techniques that help patients to overcome the early stroke symptoms, recover faster from stroke attacks, and resume their regular daily activities much more quickly and more proficiently.

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