Easy Tips For Joint Pain Relief

Easy Tips For Joint Pain Relief

Has knee pain made your life miserable? It has restricted your free movement from one place to other! Well, this is not just your concern. The same problem is shared by millions of elderly people around the world. Mostly, it is a degenerative condition that is caused by weakness of bones and the complications increases with age. People may experience joint pain as a symptom of arthritis, osteoporosis, strain, sprains or gout. While sprain and strain pain is easily curable, healing degenerative conditions can be difficult. However, that does not mean, the pain is untreatable. Different joint relief measures are available nowadays. You just need to select the right type of reliever depending on the cause as well as the extent of your pain.

Ginger and turmeric tea

Rich in inflammatory properties, ginger, and turmeric tea can help in healing the joint pain caused by rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. Making the preparation is also quite easy. You just need to add half teaspoon ground ginger with an equal amount of ground turmeric. Boil two cups of water in a pan and add the spices. Simmer the mixture for around 15 minutes and strain it. You can also add honey to the tea and enjoy it once in the morning and again at night. If you do not have the time for preparing the tea, you can also get it in capsule form.

Increase magnesium intake – Magnesium deficiency can lead to different health issues including joint pains and immovability. Therefore, it is always recommended to increase magnesium intake in your diet. While increasing magnesium rich food is a good choice, it might not be able to provide you the adequate quantity. To meet the deficiency, you can opt for diet supplements or magnesium capsules. Applying magnesium oil to the affected area can also offer significant improvement.

Soak the joints in Epsom Salt – Known to be rich in magnesium sulfate, Epsom salt can offer a great relief to joint pains. All you need is to take a big bowl of warm water and add half a cup of Epsom salt to it. Once done, soak your joints in the water. If it is not possible to get the joints soaked in a bowl of water, you can mix two cups of Epsom salt in a bathtub and immerse yourself in it for around 20 minutes. Doing this every day will offer a great relief, and you will be able to move your joints easily.

Dandelion is usefu l- When it comes to a rich source of vitamin A and vitamin C, you can certainly consider about dandelion leaves. Sipping a cup of dandelion tea every day will help you in repairing the tissues, which in turn will heal the joint pains. Apart from that, it will also help you in dealing with the toxins produced by the liver. Preparing dandelion tea is also simple. All you need to do is to add one teaspoon of dried dandelion leaves, and three teaspoons of fresh dandelion leaves to a cup of boiling water. Strain it as usual and drink twice bitterness. Like dandelion leaves, the tea is also quite bitter to taste. Therefore, you can add honey to it. You can also add dandelion leaves to a salad.

Rely on Capsaicin – Capsaicin, which is present in hot peppers can help in dealing with joint pains. Therefore, adding more amount of capsaicin-containing foods to your diet will be a wise option. However, just consuming them in your diet might not provide you with complete cure. In that case, you can always consider about applying capsaicin cream on the affected joints or take supplements rich in it.

Water is helpful  – While drinking water helps in keeping your system healthy from within, practicing water activities like swimming can ensure the well-being of your joints. Practicing swimming every day can remove the stiffness of joints and boost their flexibility, which in turn can make you forget the pain.

Physical workout is important – Restricted movement is a prime factor for joint weakness and pain. Therefore, doctors often recommend different exercises for improving joint health. Practicing those exercises on a regular basis can help in coping up with the pain at ease.

Lubricating the joints – Massaging your joints with extra virgin oil and keeping them lubricated is also a good choice for relieving joint pain. You can yourself massage your joints, or you can also get a professional masseur for the work.

Increase calcium intake – Calcium deficiency attributes to different bone and joint complications. To cope up with your painful joints, you need to consume calcium-rich foods like milk or curd. You can also get calcium pills to meet the required amount of intake.

Though there are multiple home remedies for improving joint pain, it is wise to consult a doctor from the initial stages. Early diagnosis can control the pain significantly.

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