Here is Everything You Should Know about the Multiple Sclerosis Diet

Here is Everything You Should Know about the Multiple Sclerosis Diet

Multiple sclerosis is a disease that attacks the central nervous system and has a potential to cause permanent disability. The condition is serious, affecting the brain and the spinal cord. When the protective sheath – myelin, is attacked by the immune system, multiple sclerosis is triggered. The nerve fibers are damaged due to lack of myelin and this leads to damage to the nerve signals between the brain and other body parts which further affects the communication process. The illness can also lead to deterioration and permanent damage to the nerves with each passing day.

Multiple sclerosis has serious effects on the body and this entirely depends on the extent of damage to the nerves. The symptoms may differ from the nerve that is attacked.

Moreover, every individual will experience different types of signs and symptoms. Some of the commonly experienced symptoms include:

Thinking problems – An individual begins to find it difficult in understanding things and suffers from memory loss. Abstraction and processing information becomes a huge task for the patient.

Loss of vision – Due to this disease, one has to also go through the loss of vision, either in one eye or both. Even the smallest eye movement stimulates excruciating pain to the patient. Color-distortion can also be one of the symptoms.

Sensory feelings – One experiences sudden tingling in certain body parts. Such unexpected movements may be painful just like piercing of needles into the skin.

Fatigue – An individual may feel tired during the entire day and will not be fit to carry out basic tasks and activities. This may also be accompanied by slurring in the speech.

Generally, people who suffer from multiple sclerosis go through relapse very quickly. The signs and symptoms will defer over the course of time. Even an increase in the body temperature can worsen the symptoms. In some cases, an individual may find it difficult to even move the body.

A good diet plan has proved to be effective in promoting treatment of several diseases. A multiple sclerosis diet should be followed to reduce the effects and help control the condition. Foods filled with nutrients, vitamins and also those that support a healthy immune system should be part of the multiple sclerosis diet.
Here are different foods that an individual with multiple sclerosis should include in their diet:

Vitamin D – Every individual should load enough vitamin D into their body. However, this vitamin can be especially beneficial for people who suffer from multiple sclerosis. Adding vitamin D to the multiple sclerosis diet regulates the growth of new cells. Foods like egg yolks, mushrooms, shrimp and more are good sources of vitamin D.

Probiotics – Probiotics have always been considered to be good for one’s health as they boost the growth of beneficial bacteria in the gut. This is a good way to strengthen the immune system which in turn will help fight the symptoms of multiple sclerosis. Probiotics can be acquired through several types of fermented foods such as yogurt, fermented tea, kim-chi and more. Other foods, probiotics can be added to the multiple sclerosis diet through the supplements available in the market. However, these supplements should be consumed only after consulting the physician.

Fibrous foods – Multiple sclerosis can meddle with the health of the bowel and this needs prompt care and attention. A good fibrous diet aids in promoting the health of the gut and this in turn, has a good impact on the overall health of an individual. Adding fiber-filled foods to the daily diet will not only nourish the bacteria in the gut but also promote a healthy movement of the bowel. Fiber-filled foods also keep hunger pangs away.

Biotin – Biotin is a form of vitamin H. This element is widely found in foods such as eggs and yeast. Biotin-rich foods can be a part of the multiple sclerosis diet as it can benefit in the smooth decline of the symptoms.

A healthy multiple sclerosis diet can promote the overall health of the body and help in fighting the effects. On the other hand, a poor diet will increase the activity of the internal bacterias and decrease the time between the relapses. There are some foods that an individual should avoid when diagnosed with the illness. They include red meat and full-fat diary that are high in saturated fats. Preferably, these types of food should be dropped from the diet altogether unless suggested by the physician. Sugar is one of the major offenders as it also makes it promote obesity and makes it difficult for an individual to perform daily activities.

There is no treatment that can cure multiple sclerosis, however, undergoing treatment and taking adequate medication can help in reduction of the attacks. Also, the disease symptoms and the course of the disease can be managed over time, making the effects less severe.

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