How Melatonin Aids Help To Sleep Better

How Melatonin Aids Help To Sleep Better

The pineal gland is a tiny gland in your brain. This gland is responsible for your sleep cycle. The melatonin present in this gland helps you sleep. Melatonin is found in less quantity in food items like meats, grains, fruits, and vegetables. You can also buy melatonin sleep aids which come in the form of supplements.

Melatonin and our body
The pattern of waking up during the day and sleeping at night is your natural sleep cycle. It is because the pineal gland is active during the night when it is dark. The pineal gland remains passive during the day when the sunlight is visible.

The exposure to light stimulates nerve pathway from the retina of your eye to your brain. This part of your brain is called hypothalamus. The hypothalamus is the seat of suprachiasmatic nucleus or SCN. It is responsible for sending signals to control hormones. The hormone control along with body temperature controls your sleep cycle.

It is when this sleep cycle gets disrupted that you have to use a melatonin sleep aid. These supplements control the SCN that regulates various patterns of your body. The melatonin sleep aids enhance the work of the SCN by stimulating the melatonin and cortisol.

Usefulness of Melatonin supplements
The melatonin sleep aid promises you sound sleep. It is believed to have shown miracles in curing sleeping disorders. According to the Centers For Disease Control and Prevention, 3 million Americans benefitted from the use of melatonin supplements. Before administering melatonin sleep aid, it is important you know how this supplement works.

The melatonin is produced naturally by your body. It does not make you fall asleep but helps in the process for sure. The melatonin level rises after dark that puts your body in a state of quiet wakefulness. This, in turn, helps you get your night’s sleep.

In most people, the melatonin is produced on their own. However, the problem arises when you start experiencing sleep disorders. If you are suffering from insomnia or jet lag, your body may fail to produce the required amount of melatonin. You may be a night owl who loves to stay awake at night. In this case, you will want a regular sleep routine to wake up early for school or work. These are the instances when you will feel the dire need for a melatonin sleep aid.

When And how to administer Melatonin aids
The first basic step that you need to induce is to help increase melatonin level naturally. Your melatonin level rises two hours before bedtime. So, this is the time you have to take special care. Avoid using your smartphone, tablet, or computer. The blue and green light from these devices neutralizes the effect of melatonin. Try switching off all lights to help your melatonin level increase. If you are watching television, try to keep a distance of at least six feet. Apart from this, exposure to sunlight during the morning or afternoon proves to be a good melatonin sleep aid.

Even if you are a sound sleeper, sometimes you may face problems regarding your sleep. If the problem persists for more than two nights, try considering a melatonin sleep aid. People with insomnia have shown remarkable improvement in sleep cycle with the use of a melatonin sleep aid. The same has been beneficial for people with delayed sleep syndrome where you sleep late and wake up late.

Before administering a melatonin sleep aid, it is necessary for you to know the correct dosage. Less is always more in this regard. You can intake 1 to 3 milligrams of melatonin sleep aid two hours before bedtime. Melatonin sleep aids are used to cure jet lags also. Start taking these supplements a few days before your trip to adjust yourself to the new time zone. Apart from this, you can also delay your sleep by staying awake during the flight. This way you will acclimatize your sleep with the new time zone.

It is important for you to know when to stop using a melatonin sleep aid. If you feel that it is not bearing the desired result after two or three weeks, stop using it. Whereas, if you find it beneficial then you can continue it for a month or two. Stop using the melatonin sleep aid after that and see if the problem persists. If the problem still exists, then it is advisable for you to consult a physician.

Another important thing you should consider is to optimize your sleep environment. Simple administration of a melatonin sleep aid will not help. Try dimming the lights, keeping the room dark and comfortable for better sleep atmosphere. Also, avoid using melatonin sleep aids if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. If you are suffering from autoimmune or seizure disorder, then you should not use melatonin sleep aids. These supplements have proven fatal for treating depression as well.

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