Effective Ways to Get Rid of Adult Acne

Effective Ways to Get Rid of Adult Acne

Adult acne is definitely an irritating and frustrating problem for many people. As a teenager, you might have done acne treatment, but they may not necessarily work to treat your adult breakouts. However, you can get rid of this problem with right care and good adult acne medication.

Creams, cleansers, and lotions are good for mild acne for adults.
When pimples begin to appear, most people run towards skin care creams and lotions. If your acne is mild in nature, you can find a solution with these creams and other products. The important thing is that you must select the right products for your skin especially when you are seeking medication for adult acne problems. Whenever you are out shopping, make sure that the product you purchase contains tried and tested acne treatment ingredients such as sulfur, salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide so that they may help as a medication to adult acne issues. The most prominent one is the benzoyl peroxide. You can select creams, lotions, toning solutions or cleansers but the ingredients must be high quality and the guidelines in the package should be followed strictly. If your skin does not contain too much oil, you do not have to purchase skin care products geared towards teenagers.

Seek medical help if results are not visible

Over the counter medications can bring some relief from adult acne problems. If you find the results not that much impressive within 10 to 12 weeks, there is no point in continuing with these types of products. It is always advisable to consult a dermatologist for a more powerful prescription medication for adult acne issues.

Prescription topical Acne medications
You can find a wide range of prescription medications that can be used to treat acne.

Topical retinoids
Topical retinoids are certainly a good medication to get rid of your adult acne. These medications are excellent for increasing cell turnover and they also slow down the formation of microcomedones, during the beginning stage of a pore blockage. You can also use this product to reduce wrinkles and fine lines to make the skin look fresh and young.

Topical antibiotic
If you are suffering from chronic breakouts or inflammatory pimples, the dermatologist would often prescribe a topical antibiotic for adult acne medication. These antibiotics control the acne-causing bacteria available in the skin and you must use them only for a short term in combination with other medications. It has been found out that adult acne respond really well to a combination of medications.

Oral medications
You do not have to contend with only topical medications for treating acne. If your problem is chronic and persistent, topical treatments may not offer the expected results. In such a situation, dermatologist prescribes oral medications. As the name suggests itself, you can take these medications by mouth and they are available in pill form. When it comes to the popularity of the oral adult acne medications, Isotretinoin stands tall and it is an excellent choice if all other methods fail. People, who suffer from occasional breakout, need not necessarily use these types of medications and Isotretinoin is primarily meant for chronic or cystic acne. In addition to controlling breakout, they prevent inflammation in the best way. When the doctors prescribe oral medications, they also ask the patients to use a topical treatment such as Retin-A. The intake of oral antibiotics needs to be stopped when acne breakouts get under control and you can confine the use to topical treatment to prevent the reoccurrence of acne.

Other important acne treatment options
Women can find a few more acne treatment options. Oral contraceptives are a good option and they can used in combination with topical treatments. Spironolactone can be described as an anti-androgen drug and this is often prescribed to fight against acne. Dermatologists do not recommend this medication to men and the use is confined to women. Androgen hormones have been connected with acne breakout and the process of blocking androgen receptors is performed by Spironolactone for bringing excellent relief. .

In the case of certain women, hormone replacement therapy also known as HRT can bring good results. It clears up acne breakouts in the best manner. HRT is often recommended for treating the acne of post-menopausal women who are also undergoing other types of effects such as thinning hair and mood swings. Hormone replacement therapy cannot be described as a first option for any woman. If you are finding hard to control your acne with all the creams and lotions available in the market, you must make use of adult acne medication to bring adult acne under control. Taking an appointment with an experienced dermatologist is the first step and following his/her advice helps you address the problem of adult acne in an efficient way.

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