Know about the Causes and Treatment Options for Swollen Ankles

Know about the Causes and Treatment Options for Swollen Ankles

At times, the ankle might get swollen due to various reasons. Swollen ankles are usually caused due to fluid retention. People usually experience slight pain during this time, and sometimes the pain could be worse. The cause of swollen ankles could be due to injury or any medical condition. The below-mentioned information will help you know the causes of and swollen ankles treatment options in detail.

Prominent swollen ankles causes
Injury – An injury to the ankle or the foot could lead to swelling. Even when there is a sprain, it leads to a swollen ankle. The best that can be done for this is to avoid walking and taking rest. It is important to take rest and use an ice pack covered with a towel at least for 30 minutes on the affected area. You can also make use of a compression bandage by wrapping the affected area and elevate the foot, preferably on a pillow or stool when you rest.

Blood clots – When blood clots are formed in the veins of legs, it will cause the problem in the blood flow. This will result in swelling in the ankles and the feet. There are two types of blood clots. They are superficial and deep vein thrombosis. The former is caused in the veins right below the skin. The latter could result in blockage of one or more veins of the legs. It could be life-threatening as well. If you experience pain or fever due to this, then it is important to get medical assistance.

Pregnancy complications – Swelling of feet or ankles is a usual thing during pregnancy. If there is unexpected or extreme swelling, then it is a sign of pre-eclampsia. Apart from this, if you experience other symptoms like a headache, abdominal pain, nausea, frequent urination or problem with vision, then you would need medical help.

Lymphoedema – This is the accumulation of lymphatic fluid in the tissues. It is normally caused due to the problems with lymph vessels or upon removal of the lymph nodes among the cancer patients. If you have gone through cancer treatment and also experience swelling, then it is essential to get medical assistance.

Infection – Swelling of the ankles could also be a sign of infection. People going through diabetic neuropathy or any other type of nerve problem usually experience foot infections. If you are a diabetic patient, then it is essential to inspect your ankle and foot daily to check for any sores or blisters. If you experience such problem, then it is important to get medical help.

Venous insufficiency –  Venous insufficiency is a medical complication in which the blood moves to the veins in an inadequate way from the legs and the feet and back to the heart. Usually, the veins help in the blood flow towards a single direction with one-way valves. When the valves get damaged or tend to be weak, the blood gets leaked back through vessels and the fluid leaks to the soft tissue of the ankles and feet. When this problem gets chronic, it results in several problems like skin ulcers, skin changes, and infection. If you come across signs of venous insufficiency, then medical help is necessary.

Liver, kidney, or heart problem – Certain problems like heart failure could give the first sign of ankle swelling. People suffering from kidney problems will also experience ankle and foot swelling. When the kidneys do not function in a right way, the fluid builds up in the body. Liver problem creates an impact on the production of liver protein, which is albumin, and this helps to protect the blood vessels of the surrounding tissues. When albumin is not produced adequately, it can lead to fluid leakage. The fluid accumulates in the ankles and feet due to gravity. Along with swelling, if you experience various other problems such as loss of appetite, fatigue, weight gain, etc., then it is essential to get in touch with a doctor.

Side-effects from medicines – A few medicines will have side-effects that lead to the swelling of ankles. Hormonal medications like estrogen and testosterone, calcium channel blockers, diabetic medicines, and anti-depressants will lead to certain side-effects and this causes ankle swelling. If you come across swelling due to medicines, then it is suggested to speak to your doctor about it so that medicine can be changed.

Popular swollen ankles treatment options
Exercise – When you sit in a particular place for a long time, it leads to swelling. So it is ideal to extend your ankles and do some leg exercises for good relief; this is one of the most popular swollen ankles treatment options. Swimming and yoga are the best that you can do. Elevating your legs will help a lot. Focus on weight loss through exercises as it helps in the improvement of overall health.

Compression socks – Compression socks help in providing with immense relief and also aids in the prevention of fluid collection in the legs, feet, and ankle. This makes it one of the most accessible swollen ankles treatment options.

Magnesium supplements – Consumption of magnesium supplements is a must as it will assist in limiting the water retention. However, it is suggested to consult your doctor before using this swollen ankles treatment option.

Epsom salt – Soaking your ankles and feet for about half an hour in lukewarm water with some Epsom salt in it will surely help in relieving your foot and ankle pain and thereby reduces swelling. The properties of Epsom salt and the efficiency of healing makes it one of the most popular swollen ankles treatment options.

These swollen ankles treatments are economical and will help you to get the best result.

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