Know about the Effective Ways to Treat Neuropathy

Know about the Effective Ways to Treat Neuropathy

The primary goal of neuropathy treatment is to address the condition that causes neuropathy. With neuropathy medications, you can effectively get relief from the discomforting symptoms associated with neuropathy. Lab tests are conducted to identify the underlying condition. When your lab tests do not suggest an underlying condition, the doctor might advise you to watch the symptoms closely to find out whether your neuropathy improves or not. Your doctor may also suggest some neuropathy medications depending on your condition.

Learn about the most popular neuropathy medications
When it comes to the neuropathy medications, there are certain ones which are used for treating conditions connected with neuropathy and utilized to bring relief to the signs and symptoms as well. Pain relievers are the most common medications, and you can also find over-the-counter neuropathy medications such as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). They are capable of relieving mild symptoms and painkillers are necessary when it comes to treating more severe symptoms.

Opioids neuropathy medications
Doctors sometimes prescribe Tramadol Opioids such as Conzip and Ultram, or you can also find oxycodone medications such as Oxycontin and Roxicodone for treating the symptoms of neuropathy. One of the disadvantages of these medications is their dependency and addictive nature. Doctors prescribe these options only when other treatment options fail to deliver results.

Anti-seizure neuropathy medications
Pregabalin and Gabapentin are some of the popular anti-seizure medications developed to address epilepsy, and they can be used to reduce nerve pain associated with neuropathy. The most common side effects are dizziness and drowsiness.

Topical treatments for neuropathy
If you are suffering from peripheral neuropathy, you can use capsaicin cream that contains an ingredient usually found in hot peppers, and this cream offers good results. When you are dealing with irritation and skin burn, you can apply this product to reduce these symptoms. For addressing the pain, lidocaine patches can also be used. The most probable side effects of using lidocaine are numbness, dizziness, and drowsiness.

Specific tricyclic antidepressants like nortriptyline, doxepin, and amitriptyline are good enough to reduce pain because they interfere with chemical processes taking place in your spinal cord and brain that triggers pain. Another type of medication for relieving pain is the serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor called duloxetine and doctors also recommend the use of an extended-release antidepressant known as venlafaxine. These medications can induce side effects such as constipation, reduced appetite, dizziness, drowsiness, nausea, and dry mouth.

Popular therapies to treat neuropathy
In order to address the symptoms of neuropathy, you can make use of different types of therapies and procedures as well. Intravenous immune globulin and plasma exchange are two popular therapies that suppress the immune system activity; these are extremely effective for people who are suffering from specific types of inflammatory conditions. When it comes to plasma exchange, the process starts with blood removal and the antibodies and other proteins from the blood are then removed. Finally, the blood is returned to your body. As far as immune globulin therapy is concerned, you get high amounts of proteins that function as antibodies. Another popular form of therapy is transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation, which is also known as TENS, and this procedure places electrodes on your skin to offer electric current gently at varying frequencies. Physical therapy is a good option when you are facing muscle weakness and it enhances your movements.

When nerve pressure is the underlying cause of neuropathy, surgery becomes inevitable especially for problems like pressure from tumors.

Alternative options
Alternative treatments can bring some relief as well. Acupuncture has become a popular choice, and this procedure involves inserting thin needles into different points on the body. Multiple sessions are needed to enjoy a considerable improvement from neuropathy. It can be described a safe method if you seek the help of a certified practitioner. Alpha-lipoic acid is also a popular alternative option available for treating neuropathy. You must consult with your doctor before using alpha-lipoic acid because improper use can have a negative impact on your blood sugar levels; moreover, you may also have to deal with skin rash and stomach upset. Specific types of herbs like evening primrose oil can bring pain relief from diabetes neuropathy. If you are using neuropathy medication, you need to discuss with your doctor about the use of herbs because some of them may interfere with the medication. In the cases of the people who are suffering from diabetes or have undergone chemotherapy, amino acids like acetyl-L-Carnitine can offer good results.

When you are suffering from neuropathic pain, you should not wait for seeking treatment. If you delay the treatment, the condition turns more complicated and controlling the pain using medication also becomes difficult. Medical advice must be sought as soon as possible when you suspect chronic pain symptoms, and your doctor is the best person to assess your condition and suggest the treatment. You must share all your concerns with your doctor to help him/her to make the correct diagnosis and recommend the best treatment.

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