Make These Five Changes to Cope with the Symptoms of Fibromyalgia

Make These Five Changes to Cope with the Symptoms of Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia is a common condition, but often goes misdiagnosed. Also known as a musculoskeletal condition, fibromyalgia causes pain in the muscle and joints resulting in a lot of fatigue. This can also lead to what is commonly referred to as fibromyalgia syndrome, which is a set of symptoms like pain in the muscle, fatigue, and decreased pain threshold.

People often tend to overlook two of the most common symptoms of fibromyalgia—chronic pain and fatigue. Persistent pain in joints or muscles should be immediately checked out. The pain might not necessarily be the result of overworking or stress but can be prime indicators of developing fibromyalgia.

Common symptoms of fibromyalgia:
Here are some other indicators of fibromyalgia.

  • Disturbances in sleep, which affects sleep patterns and causes fatigue, often leading to moody behavior and depression, are among the top symptoms of fibromyalgia.
  • Severe muscle twitching, burning sensation under the skin, deep pain, and muscle pulling.
  • Fibromyalgia also affects the neck joints, shoulder joints, back joints, and hip joints, among common areas.
  • Other symptoms of fibromyalgia include abdominal pain; chronic headaches; dryness in mouth, nose, and eyes; stiffness in the body due to muscle pulling and pain; incontinence; inability to concentrate which is also known as fibro fog; and increased sensitivity to temperature changes.

Myths about fibromyalgia busted

  • Many people are under the impression that fibromyalgia is something which is rare and does not affect many. But this is not true, taking into account that more than 5 million people in the country suffer from this chronic pain disorder.
  • The fact that only a few are aware of the statistics explains why the symptoms of fibromyalgia often go unnoticed and untreated, until and unless the condition worsens.
  • Symptoms of fibromyalgia can be often confused with symptoms of most common pain disorders, which is why it takes some time to ascertain for sure that the condition is fibromyalgia.
  • However, this myth has been busted in recent times since there is enough study material available on fibromyalgia to educate medical professionals.
  • Many people often feel that symptoms of fibromyalgia are more prominent in women since the condition is more commonly diagnosed in women, almost in 75 to 80% cases. But the fact that this chronic pain disorder is common amongst women does not negate the chances for men as well.
  • Symptoms of fibromyalgia are not necessarily painful for all. There are cases where people experience mild but persistent symptoms of fibromyalgia. Other people may still experience severe pain which will lead to even more complications down the road. Again, these are not to be confused with regular pain disorders.
  • It is true that there is no permanent cure for symptoms of fibromyalgia, but by making a number of lifestyle changes, the effects and pain can be significantly reduced over time.

Here are five lifestyle changes that can help cope with symptoms of fibromyalgia, be it severe or mild.
Healthy diet: It all comes down to a healthy diet since everything is connected to food. The main energy source which provides all that vital nutrients and minerals on a daily basis, to maintain a balanced system. A well-balanced diet for symptoms of fibromyalgia mainly includes foods and beverages, as suggested by a dietician. Drawing up a health chart and diet chart will help make these changes in the diet over time.  

Stress level management: Stress is a very common factor these days that is drastically affecting and degrading the quality of our life. Harmful over prolonged periods which ultimately leads to depression and anxiety, coupled with performance pressure. The need to be the best to compete with everyone to survive will just keep on adding to symptoms of fibromyalgia. This is why having a work–life balance is extremely essential, which is where stress management begins.

Getting a massage:   Exercising will help relieve pain and promote a healthy living, but getting a massage now and then will speed up the recovery process. This will also increase flexibility and the activity level overall, as compared to the times when muscle aches and stiffness tend to prevent from any whatsoever.

Exercise: Muscle dominates a major part of our body. Muscles need good exercise to stay healthy and fit; therefore, one should ensure to exercise regularly without fail. Exercising increases energy and helps release the good hormones that one can thrive on to tackle fibromyalgia. Endorphins are hormones which trigger happy moods; therefore, exercising will not only work out the muscles but also will help cope with depression which is one of the symptoms of fibromyalgia.

Proper rest: After everything is said and done, proper sleep is needed to make sure that the body gets the much-needed rest from all the activities done during the day.

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