Manage Diabetes Effectively With Blood Sugar Charts

Manage Diabetes Effectively With Blood Sugar Charts

Diabetes is a condition characterized by high blood sugar levels due to the inability of the pancreas to secrete sufficient insulin or the body’s inability to effectively use the secreted insulin. In fact, diabetes mellitus is a silent killer, and if a person suffers from high blood pressure along with diabetes, it can prove to be fatal.

Studies have reported that approximately 37% of the global population is diabetic and these figures are rising due to increased incidence of obesity and other lifestyle habits.

An Insight Into Diabetes

Diabetes can manifest in two types. People usually develop type 1 diabetes or diabetes mellitus in adulthood. Sufferers of type 1 diabetes are completely insulin dependent. Type 2 diabetes is more common and in this condition, the body does not produce enough insulin or body cells are insulin resistant.

There is an increased incidence of juvenile diabetes and gestational diabetes. Medications and lifestyle changes can help manage the conditions effectively.

Diabetes is a cause of adult blindness. Also, diabetics are at an increased risk of suffering from a fatal stroke. Moreover, they are prone to infections that do not heal quickly, resulting in amputation of the limbs. Hence, it is essential that blood sugar levels are constantly monitored with the help of a blood sugar chart. These charts serve as tools to determine the quantum of sugar that has accumulated in the blood.

What Is A Blood Sugar Chart?

A blood sugar chart helps track your blood glucose levels. The chart contains columns that keep a track of the date, and fasting and post-meal blood glucose levels. It also shows target readings which will help you conclude your current levels vis-a-vis the normal blood glucose levels.

The normal blood sugar levels before meals range between 70-130 mg/dl. Post meals, that is about 2 hours after meals, the blood sugar levels should be below 180 mg/dl. Anything more than this level confirms that it’s a case of diabetes, and you need to consult a doctor. Just as high blood sugar levels can make you diabetic, low blood sugar (hypoglycemia), if the blood sugar level is under 50 mg/dl, can cause serious health issues. Hence, it is imperative that you monitor your blood sugar levels and try to keep them within permissible limits.

The blood sugar chart can be downloaded online and printed to keep a track of your blood sugar levels. Based on the readings, you can compare and take medication as required.

Using A Blood Sugar Chart

Portable blood sugar monitors can be purchased along with test strips. After you prick your finger, a drop of blood is put on the strip and inserted into the blood glucose monitor. The blood sugar levels are displayed on its screen.

This reading obtained can be compared to the normal range mentioned in the blood sugar chart to help you decide whether your blood sugar levels are low or are predisposed to acquiring diabetes.

With readings taken at different times, like before meals and after meals, you can compare the blood sugar levels against the prescribed range in the blood sugar chart, to find a spike in sugar levels and identify the attributable causes.

Blood Sugar Chart – An Effective Monitoring Tool

Visiting a diagnostic or primary care center to get your blood sugar levels tested is a time consuming and expensive affair. With blood sugar monitors and strips easily available, you can check your blood sugar levels at home. But how to interpret the results? That is where blood sugar chart proves to be of help as a guidance tool.

These charts give the measurements of blood glucose in mg/dl (milligrams per decilitre). The charts also give an explanation of the various readings. Suppose your blood sugar monitor reveals postprandial sugar level at 220 mg/dl, then it is a cause for concern. This is a dangerous condition that can lead to ketoacidosis.

As a part of self-care, blood sugar chart helps diabetics administer the recommended insulin dosage. Therefore, these charts are very helpful in diabetes management. They offer a comprehensive picture of your blood glucose levels at various times in a day. In fact, you can maintain a blood sugar log, which will prove very helpful to the physician treating you to understand your case and follow a course of treatment along with making lifestyle and diet changes.

For non-diabetics too, these blood sugar charts help assess whether their blood sugar levels are within the normal limits or are showing a tendency to become borderline cases. Identifying the pre-diabetic condition helps in taking corrective action that can help prevent the onset.

Referring to the blood sugar charts help track glucose levels, guide you to receive timely medical treatment, make lifestyle changes, and significantly reduce the risk of any possible complications.

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