Most Effective Treatment Options for Rosacea

Most Effective Treatment Options for Rosacea

If you find visible blood vessels and redness on your face, you can suspect rosacea. This skin may also form tiny, red-colored pus-filled bumps. These symptoms may last for a few weeks or months, and then, they disappear for some period. It can be easily mistaken for skin allergy or acne. Anyone may get affected by rosacea. There is no permanent cure for this skin condition but you can control the symptoms to a great extent. What is the best treatment for rosacea?

Home remedies for rosacea

Use of essential oils

Melaleuca and Lavender essential oils are good options for addressing this skin condition. Since both these oils have anti-inflammatory properties, healing becomes fast and effective. 1 tablespoon of almond, avocado or coconut oil should be mixed with 2 drops Melaleuca or Lavender essential oil in a roller bottle, and this mixture needs to be applied on the affected area before going to bed.

Green Tea offers the best relief

You need to prepare one cup of green tea, and it should be placed in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. Then, you need to take a cloth, and it has to be soaked in the chilled tea before applying the cloth to the rosacea-affected areas. Green tea controls inflammation and redness because of the high anti-inflammatory properties, and you can drink green tea to get good relief because of the presence of antioxidants.

Apple cider vinegar is an excellent choice

Apple cider vinegar also is known as ACV helps you achieve balanced pH levels inside your body, and this aspect makes it a good option for eliminating the symptoms of rosacea. One cup of water must be mixed with one teaspoon of organic apple cider vinegar, and it should be taken orally. You can add honey to make the taste better. As a part of external treatment, 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar and 8 tablespoons of water can be mixed, and after soaking in this mixture, you can apply it to the affected areas. After 10 minutes, you need to remove it by rinsing with water. Skin exfoliation becomes a reality with this method and it also creates an even effect on the skin tone.

Oatmeal is effective

A handful of oats must be ground in a food processor. You must mix 1/4 cup of water and 1/2 cup of ground oats to form a paste. This mixture can be applied in the areas and leave it there for around 20 minutes. Then, cool water has to be used to wash before pat drying. Oatmeal nourishes your skin and creates a calming effect.

Aloe Vera is one of the finest options available

Many people are using aloe vera for sunburn related issues. It is highly effective in treating rosacea. Aloe Vera gel can be applied to the affected areas and you must allow it dry before rinsing. It should be done twice a day to get the best results. Another option is to consume aloe vera juice and to consume 1 tablespoon a day makes the healing process faster.

Flaxseed oil is not a bad choice

Flaxseed oil contains a lot of fatty acids that reduce inflammation effectively. You can orally take one teaspoon flaxseed oil thrice a day.

Honey brings fat results

Since honey is an excellent humectant, it is an ideal treatment choice for rosacea. The skin moisture can be retained without creating an oily effect. Honey should be used to massage the affected areas, and you must leave it there for 20 minutes before washing off with warm water.

Effective medical treatments

Medical treatments concentrate on controlling the symptoms of rosacea. Doctors recommend prescription drugs like brimonidine to reduce the redness. These medications constrict the blood vessels, and the results can be visible within 10 to 12 hours after application. The constricting effect is temporary, and you have to apply them regularly. Oral antibiotics are also given to control rosacea, and they eliminate the bacteria causing inflammation. The most common antibiotics are Doxycycline, Minocycline, and Tetracycline. If you are suffering from severe symptoms, doctors recommend Isotretinoin, and it is a strong oral drug that offers fast results.

Well known therapies

Laser therapy is a common therapy method used to reduce the redness, and other popular options are electrosurgery and intense pulsed light therapy.

Lifestyle changes need to be introduced to find relief from rosacea. One of the primary reasons for Inflammation is stress and it can be reduced by practicing yoga or meditation. The best treatment for rosacea also asserts the importance of the dietary changes. You must reduce the intake of fried and processed foods and foods that contain a lot of sugar should also be avoided. You can add anti-inflammatory foods like cruciferous vegetables, onions, garlic, turmeric, and ginger in your diet as well.

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