Points to Consider Before Undergoing a Botox Treatment

Points to Consider Before Undergoing a Botox Treatment

A purified protein, Botox is injected to treat wrinkles accompanying the different facial expressions. When Botox is injected into the skin, it helps in relaxing the muscles and has a visible effect on the wrinkles, as they smooth out. Botox has been a favorite when it comes to treatment of wrinkles as well as facial creases. It is also used to treat forehead lines, frown lines, and crow’s feet (lines around the eye area). The price of Botox injections varies vastly depending on several factors. Normally costing between $200 and $400, the price of Botox keeps fluctuating. The factors that affect the price of Botox injections are:
– The physician (and his qualification)
– Location
– Time period
– Units purchased
– Number of injections
– Area of treatment
– Desired profit margin
– Ongoing promotions

Usually, doctors levy the price of injections Botox based on the cost per unit, while there are some who charge a sum by the area of injection. While most doctors charge a flat price for Botox injection, there are some who levy a charge based on the units opened during the treatment. Flat rates that doctors usually charge fall between $300 and $1000. The rate per unit, moreover, is somewhere between $10–15 per unit.  Nowadays, the physicians normally pay $400 for a single vial, with each vial having approximately 100 units. The vial once opened, has to be used within a few hours or else its efficacy becomes questionable. Thus, the doctors normally throw the vials which have been opened but not used for a few hours.

The price of Botox should be weighed against other factors such as the value of the cosmetic surgery practice and the qualified testimonials of the doctor. An unusually low price of Botox is an indication of a doubtful or not so good treatment.

The market is also experiencing a recent trend of Botox cosmetic parties. In such situations, women seeking Botox treatment gather at a physician’s house or a pre-decided location and get Botox fillers at a very cheap rate. Remember not to fall into this trap. The situation, not being ideal at all, can put you in a bad spot. The doctor who has agreed to be a part of such a party is performing treatment illegally. The American Academy of Dermatology, as well as the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, have issued strict warnings against such parties. After all, a good Botox needs an expert’s hand, and this is particularly essential since such treatment can be easily blotched.

Botox treatment – Different payment methods
Payment for Botox treatment can be done in several ways. All doctors, at least most of them, accept all modes of payment including personal check, cash, credit cards, etc. Then there are some doctors or clinics who have their personalized financing plans suiting every individual’s needs. Don’t shy away from inquiring about the price of Botox during your consultation. After all, it is your hard earned money.

Does insurance cover the price of Botox treatments?
The market is flooded with a plethora of Botox treatment options, some of which are covered by insurance providers, comprising treatment for blepharospasm, extreme sweating, continuous pain, etc. Although the insurance coverage for Botox is quite limited, it is best to an insurance provider to have a clearer picture.

For those who are on a budget, it is best to wait until the year-end to get Botox injected. Price of Botox usually drops at the year-end when people are all set to look their best for the coming festivals. Nevertheless, if you have an offer that is extremely cheap, kindly avoid it. Never go for a treatment that is being offered at a shady place. Look for doctor’s qualification and expertise. It is always good to overpay than underpay, especially when it is on your face. Note, you are not only paying for the units of Botox but also the skills of the doctor who performs the treatment on you.

Online coupons or deals are never a safe bet when you are looking for wrinkle treatment. It is never good to opt for something that will not be suitable for your skin type. Therefore, don’t buy something unless you know you are a good candidate for it. Book a consultation appointment, weigh the pros and cons, and then decide.

If you are planning to undergo the pin, be set to spend a couple of hundred dollars for your Botox treatment. Look around for the best doctor in your area, his expertise, compare the prices offered by different clinics, and ensure that you are ready. It is important to be first sure whether or not you are the right candidate for Botox treatment or not. Remember, it is not a compulsory treatment, however, if you have the money as well as time for Botox treatment, it is worth it for there is no cream on this planet which can freeze the wrinkles the way Botox does.

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