Possible Side Effects of Probiotics

Possible Side Effects of Probiotics

Probiotics are the food supplements which are added to the diet for health benefits such as immunity, digestive functions, and growth. It is safe to include the dietary intake in proper doses. High dose of probiotics at times have a bad impact on health.

The probiotics can be taken orally. Live microorganisms work effectively to boost human health; however, there are some side effects related to them. These side effects range from mild to severe. They can cause digestive complications such as bloating and gas in the stomach. In some cases, the usage of probiotics can cause infections that can be only treated using antibiotics. It can cause problems for people suffering from health complications and cause unusual metabolic responses.

Although the probiotics are pretty good for the body, they may cause some rare side effects. These side effects are common among people with underlying medical complications. At times, the body responds badly to the good bacterial intake.

Normally, the pH level in the colon must be between 6.7 and 6.9. The pH levels below 7.0 are said to be acidic, whereas pH levels more than 7.0 are said to be of basic nature. The colon must be acidic to combat the growth of pathogenic bacteria and promote the growth of good bacteria.

Medications and other drugs make the colon environment alkaline. The consumption of the probiotic supplements makes the colon acidic. The change of the colon’s pH from acidic to alkaline causes a war between the good and bad bacteria. This tug of war causes bloating, abdominal pain, and complications in bowel movements.

The side effects of probiotics don’t last for long. Discontinuation of the probiotic intake will help you get rid of the symptoms and prevent their worsening.

Side effects of probiotics

Stomach problems
Stomach problems such as bloating, pain in the abdomen, and gas production are some of the side effects of probiotics. Some strains of probiotics cause constipation, leaky guts, and poor gut functionality.

The replacement of bad bacteria with good bacteria is known as the recolonization of bacteria. It is caused by the intake of high amounts of probiotics. This could cause a change in the gut functions and bowel movements. However, these signs can go away within a week if the dosage of the probiotics is reduced.

Gastrointestinal problems can also be caused by low-quality probiotics supplements. All brands don’t contain high-grade strains of bacteria. Some products may have bacterial cultures that are not good for human health.

To avoid the gastrointestinal side effects, you must take high-quality probiotics supplements. The chances of the side effects are then reduced potentially.

Aggravation of diseases
Saying that probiotics can be consumed by everyone isn’t 100% true. This is valid only for people who have sound health. Probiotics may not necessarily benefit people suffering from different diseases. People suffering from diseases such as HIV, AIDS, Lyme disease, and Chron’s disease should avoid the consumption of probiotics. This is because their immune systems respond in an unexpected way to the intake of good bacteria.

Pregnant and breastfeeding mothers must take the probiotics after getting the doctor’s recommendation.

The advice of the doctor before starting with such supplements is strongly recommended. The doctors may suggest the kind of probiotics that will benefit patients.

Swelling and growth of bad bacteria
At times, the intake of expired or low-quality probiotics causes inflammation and the influx of bad bacteria. Such adulterated probiotics have unhealthy bacteria culture along with fungus and pathogens.

If the body suffers from an inflammatory state, the intake of low-quality probiotic supplement worsens the inflammation in the body. Such contaminated probiotics aggravate the symptoms they are manufactured to help with such patients.

How to reduce the side effects of probiotics?
If you find any probable side effects of probiotics, you must reduce the dosage. For instance, if you take two probiotic tablets daily, take only one tablet in a day. After a few days, when the body becomes habitual to the lower dosage, you can increase the dosage levels.

The intake of probiotics kills the bad bacteria in the body and boosts the production of good bacteria. This causes an imbalance in the body that may take a couple of weeks to restore. During such critical conditions, it is advised to get proper medical treatment.

Drink plenty of water and fluids. The main side effects of probiotics include rashes, acne, diarrhea, bloating and gas in the stomach. All these side effects of probiotics include detoxification signs. Water is the prime detoxification agent; therefore, increase water intake.

Whenever you find the probable side effects of the probiotics intake, you must lower the consumption of probiotic consumption for some days. Once the side effects of probiotics reduce, you can start with the normal dose consumption of probiotics.

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