Read This Before Choosing a Moisturizer for Your Skin

Read This Before Choosing a Moisturizer for Your Skin

The initial idea of buying a moisturizer for dry skin sounds easy enough. It is when you walk the skincare aisle of a retail store that leaves you puzzled with a plethora of options that are displayed on the shelves. The huge options of face creams, body lotions, and moisturizers just add to the confusion. This article will help you ease the confusion and let you pick the best moisturizer for dry skin.

  • Choose a moisturizer that is based on your skin type
    One of the common mistakes that people make is using moisturizers or creams that might not necessarily fit their skin type. There are moisturizers for dry skin, oily, combination, as well as normal skin. If you are not sure what is your skin type, get it checked with a skin specialist before choosing a moisturizer.
  • The surrounding climate also plays an important role
    When you are out picking a suitable moisturizer for your dry skin, consider climatic factors as they play an important role in deciding what type of moisturizer will suit dry skin. People living in the polar vortex of the country should go with moisturizers in the form of ointment as it easily gets absorbed and leaves a layer of protection of the skin. People living in the humid parts of the country should swap their moisturizers with a formulated gel as it won’t make you look oily when you break into a sweat.
  • SPF
    There are two types of UV rays that damage the skin—UVA results in premature aging of the skin while exposing your skin to UVB rays results in burning of the skin. Both of these UV rays make it worse for people having dry skin type. Irrespective of what kind of moisturizer you use for your dry skin, apply SPF first and let it settle on the skin before putting on the lotion.
  • Be cautious when trying different moisturizers
    As stated above, all of us have different skin type. As a result, different moisturizers have different chemical components for different skin type. Applying a product that does not suit your skin could lead to skin reactions such as rashes. Even if the skin care product is marketed as “hypoallergenic” avoid using it if it is for a different skin type.
  • Moisturize your face while it is still wet
    A helpful tip for people with dry skin, it helps the moisturizer absorb into the skin and forms protective layer under the skin and remains for a longer period of time.

Following are the different types of ingredients that moisturizers for dry skin should contain.

  • Sun protection
    These kinds of moisturizers are irrespective of skin types. Almost every skin expert would suggest a moisturizer of at least SPF 30. Look for the one that is oil and fragrance-free.
  • Antioxidants
    Moisturizers for dry skin and other skin types come with different antioxidants such as green tea, chamomile, pomegranate, and licorice root extract help skin look fresh and healthy. They neutralize free radicals under the skin that break down skin cells.
  • Dry skin
    Moisturizers for dry skin come with ingredients such as hyaluronic acid and dimethicone that help in keeping the skin hydrated. They also contain glycerin, proteins, and propylene glycol that helps in water retention, thus helping in locking in the moisture.
  • Oily or acne-prone skin
    If your skin is oily and prone to acne use moisturizers that are rich in alpha-hydroxy acids as they have anti-aging properties and do not clog the pores.
  • Sensitive skin
    People who have sensitive skin must go for the ones that have hypoallergenic and fragrance-free ingredients. Look for those moisturizers that have less than 10 ingredients. Having fewer ingredients will have fewer potential reactions with the sensitive skin.
  • Itchy skin
    Some doctors prescribe 1% hydrocortisone steroid creams for a very limited period of time to provide relief. Consult a skin specialist or a doctor as they will prescribe moisturizers for such skin types.
  • Eczema
    There are moisturizers in the form of ointments available that contain petroleum jelly that help soothe cracks and keep the skin supple. Avoid using colorings and perfumes when choosing a moisturizer for dry skin as they might cause irritation to the skin. Moisturizers containing antibacterial agents can be unnecessarily harsh and might strip the skin of essential oils.

Look for body-friendly ingredients. Ingredients like lanolin, mineral, waxes, shea butter, etc. might clog the pores and cause acne. Moisturizers containing too many acids might penetrate deep into the skin and cause serious reactions. When using a moisturizing product apply a thin layer on the face and thick layer on the body. This might be more than enough for you all-over skin care.

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