Simple Methods to Lower Uric Acid Levels in the Body

Simple Methods to Lower Uric Acid Levels in the Body

Uric acid is a waste generally carried in the blood, travels through the bloodstream, filtered out through the kidneys and finally excreted in urine. It is mostly produced by the natural breakdown of our body’s cells and foods which we consume. Uric acid is a by-product which is created during the breakdown of a naturally occurring compound like purines found in foods like beans, mushrooms, liver, etc. There are various causes of an increased level of uric acid in our body where kidneys won’t be able to filter out all of the uric acid or the level of uric acid will be too much for the kidneys to handle. Various medical conditions like hypothyroidism, leukemia, hypertension, obesity, and other genetic tendencies can lead to increased levels of uric acid. Moreover, certain medications, such as vitamins, diuretics, and cancerous drugs or drugs to suppress the immune system, often react with the body and affect the digestive system, thereby affecting the breakdown of uric acid. Sometimes eating wrong food or excess food like meat can cause an increase in the amount of uric acid as it contains a lot of purines.

How to lower uric acid in our body
A uric acid test helps measure the uric acid levels in our body. It’s a chemical that’s produced when our body breaks down purines during the natural breakdown of cells in the body. Most of the uric acid leaves the body through urination or defecation. When this natural process is hampered, the body produces too much or less of uric acid. If you are wondering how to lower uric acid levels, the following tips would be beneficial.

  • Excess consumption of alcohol and caffeine can increase the uric acid level and promotes uric acid production. Vitamin C-rich lemonade or orange juice can reduce uric acid levels in case of a kidney stone. And drinking plenty of water helps to flush uric acid and prevent uric acid stone formation.
  • High levels of purines rich food should be avoided as it can significantly increase the level of uric acid. Foods like bacon, asparagus, yeast, sardines, mackerel, anchovies, etc. should be avoided to a greater extent. Foods low in purine like green vegetables and milk should be included in our diet on a daily basis.
  • Since salt contains sodium, excess intake of salt increases the risk of a rise in oxalate and uric acid, thereby leading to the formation of kidney stones. Eating healthy and fresh food with less intake of sodium can help to lower the uric acid levels and prevents purine accumulation.
  • Certain medications or prescribed drugs like uricosuric drugs composed of sodium carbonate prevents the reabsorption of urate to block increased uric acid levels.
  • Apple cider vinegar contains malic acid. This acid is effective in removing wastes like uric acid from the body and act as a detoxifier. It restores the alkaline-acid balance in the body and has valuable anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Cherries and colored berries contain flavonoids called anthocyanins which helps to lower uric acid levels and reduce inflammation and stiffness. Also, anti-oxidant and vitamin C rich foods like tomatoes, strawberries, bell peppers, etc. help to lower the uric acid levels in a natural course.
  • Most vegetable oils turn into rancid when heated or processed. These fats minimize the functional role of vitamin E in the body, which is essential for controlling uric acid levels. Instead, using olive oil helps monounsaturated fats remain stable when heated, which is highly rich in vitamin E and antioxidants. It also has anti-inflammatory benefits.
  • Bicarbonate soda, commonly called baking soda helps in lowering uric acid levels and decreasing gout pain. Baking soda restores the alkaline balance in the body making the uric acid more soluble and easier to remove it out of the kidneys.
  • Celery seeds are rich in omega-6 fatty acids and other diuretic oils, and it helps in detoxifying the system of excess liquids by stimulating the kidneys to flush out the uric acid. It alkalizes the blood and at the same time lessens inflammation in the body.

A high amount of uric acid is often an indication of gout, which is a form of arthritis or can be a sign of kidney stones. Symptoms of these two conditions include severe pain in the joints, blood in the urine, fever, and chills, pain in the lower back, etc. A uric acid test may be used to determine the recovery rate of the two conditions. A uric acid urine test helps to monitor the condition of undergoing chemotherapy or radiation treatment. It is thereby widely used as a diagnostic screening tool for purine metabolic disorders. Thus, uric acid is the by-product of purine in the human body. This health condition has persisted for centuries before the birth of modern medicine, and an early detection can aid in its diagnosis and effective treatment. So, stop wondering how to lower uric acid levels and follow these tips and treatments.

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