Symptoms and Treatment Options for Low Blood Sugar

Symptoms and Treatment Options for Low Blood Sugar

Low blood sugar, also known as hypoglycemia, means low blood sugar (glucose) levels in the body. It usually occurs in people with diabetes. It can be a side effect of insulin or other types of diabetes medicines. Generally, the acceptable range of blood sugar is 70 to 100 mg/dL. In case of diabetic patients, 70 mg/dL or less indicates low blood sugar. However, diabetes medication is not the only cause of low blood sugar. Medications that don’t suit your body, or any exercise or diet, can lead to low sugar levels. Therefore, you mustn’t be careless about your sugar levels and should keep a thorough record to prevent its diminution below the permissible limit.

Also, the brain needs glucose to function efficiently and low sugar can cause loss of energy for brain function, leading to poor attention and cognitive function. The brain senses the drop in sugar. This biochemical process then alerts the person that they need food or water—if neglected or left untreated, it can lead to coma or death. In worse case scenario, an injection of glucagon is given to the affected person as the person finds it difficult to eat anything in a normal manner. The glycogen immediately raises the sugar levels to relatively normal. There are many symptoms that can help you recognize low blood sugar levels (they differ from person to person).

Symptoms of low blood sugar
Anxiety: One of the symptoms of low blood sugar is anxiety. In anxiety or stress, the blood sugar consumption increases which cause an adrenaline rush. This, in turn, causes low blood sugar due to the fluctuations in the energy levels.

Hunger: Mild hypoglycemia makes you feel hungry while high or severe hypoglycemia leads to unconsciousness. Food then breaks down into sugar that enables functioning of our body. The sudden hunger pangs are one of the major symptoms of low blood sugar.

Emotional instability: Low energy levels can lead to agitation and annoyance. Emotional instability can be modest like mild mood swings or severe like depression that can have adverse effects on your health.

Weakness: Weakness is one of the early symptoms of low blood sugar. When treated appropriately, it can be cured before the symptom gets worse.

Muscle twitching: An uncommon symptom of low blood sugar is muscle twitching. Due to improper circulation of blood in the body, the insulin level decreases. Generally, muscle twitching is accompanied by a backache and cold hands.

Palpitations: Low glucose levels in the body can cause elevated heart rate leading to palpitations. Palpitation is a major cause of blood pressure, and, in severe cases, it can also lead to heart attacks.

Headaches: A major symptom of Hypoglycemia is a headache. Irregular meals, skipping meals, or consumption of high sugar foods have a direct impact on the blood glucose levels.

Blurred vision: Low blood sugar can cause blurred vision and double vision in diabetic people. This is due to the swelling of lenses in the eyes caused by low glucose levels.

Disoriented speech: The brain gets rapidly affected by the drop in the glucose levels, thereby making it difficult to concentrate or understand. This can, in turn, result in blurred speech as if you are in a confused state of mind.

Unsteadiness: Nocturnal hypoglycemia is commonly characterized by unsteadiness. The lack of proper blood circulation makes you feel weak and therefore unsteady. It can also cause restlessness.

Sweating: Regarded as an early symptom of low blood sugar, sweating on nape, especially at night, can be caused by low blood sugar. Therefore, you should exercise caution and have good ventilation to prevent dizziness and nausea.

However, low blood sugar can be easily cured when timely heeded. You should also ensure healthy food and sleep habits. With our over-demanding lifestyle, it is becoming difficult to maintain basic care such as exercises and blood sugar.

Treatments for the symptoms of low blood sugar
Maintaining blood sugar is of utmost importance as this problem connects to many major issues. If you can prevent it from becoming worse, then it is easy to cure bigger problems. Helping solve low blood sugar is a matter of basic care by monitoring your sleep and food habits. Sleeping for 7–8 hours a day is a must. Likewise, regular intake of healthy foods will not only keep you fit but also strengthen your immune system and prevent you from frequent illness.

If you are experiencing any of the low blood sugar symptoms, consult your doctor immediately and do not ignore the symptoms of general weakness. Your doctor will recommend you medicines if required. Along with that, you will have to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

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