Symptoms of Dog Allergies You Should Look Out For

Symptoms of Dog Allergies You Should Look Out For

The dog is man’s best friend, and lucky are those, who have a canine at their home. However, just domesticating a canine is not enough. You need to take proper care of the dog and ensure to provide it with proper healthcare facilities. Like humans, dogs too fall prey to different diseases and need different medications as well as vaccination from time to time. That’s not all. A pet owner needs to keep an eye for the allergies of dogs. Allergies in some cases can turn fatal for the canine. That is why it is important to start the treatment as soon as you find the first symptom of an allergy.

Here are some common d og allergies symptoms you must not ignore. 

Itchy or moist skin – Even if you do not check out the skin of your pet every day, it is necessary for you to look into his skin minutely at a regular interval. In most of the cases, dogs suffer from different types of skin infections like redness or itchiness of the skin. Apart from that, some dogs also complain of scabbed or wet fur and skin. However, in case of flea allergies, the entire coat is not affected. It is the tail’s base or back side of the canine that shows the symptoms of the condition.

Excessive scratching  – In many cases, pet owners cannot detect the d og allergies symptoms with their naked eyes. That is the reason; it is important to keep an eye on the activities of your pet every day. Give special attention if you find any behavioral changes in the animal. Scratching is one of the common d og allergies symptoms and should be taken proper care right from the initial stage, or else it can affect the skin significantly. Apart from scratching the whole body, some dogs get a tendency of chewing paws or swelling of paw as symptoms of infection.

Itchy eyes and ears – Eyes play an important role when it comes to observing the d og allergies symptoms . Many dogs complain of itchy eyes or runny eyes after coming into contact with allergens. Apart from developing d og allergies s ymptoms in eyes, canines also tend to have allergic symptoms in their ears. Scrutinize the ears, especially on the back side to find if there is any allergic growth.

Sneezing – Like human beings, dog too sneeze and this is one of the common d og allergies symptoms. Sneezing can be caused due to different conditions like dust allergy, smoke allergy, pollen allergy and even during season changes. Therefore, before offering any medication to the pet, you must carefully check out the cause of the allergy. Sometimes, pets also get a sore throat as a sign of cold infection.

Snoring – It may appear to be strange but dogs too snore at times. If your four-legged friend is snoring while asleep, get him a medical check-up as this might be a sign of throat inflammation.

Diarrhea and vomiting – There is no need to create a panic in the house if your dog vomits once or twice in any day. It can be a sign of allergy, and instead of panicking for the canine, you should search for the cause of vomiting. While vomiting is commonly caused due to food allergies, there can be other reasons as well. Apart from vomiting, some dogs also get diarrhea as a sign of food or drug allergy. Therefore, before calling up your vet, it is important for you to create a log of the activities your canine did. This will help in identifying the real cause of the condition.

Dog allergies can occur at any time, irrespective of the breed or the sex of the animal. However, Boston terriers, Bulldogs, Pugs, Retrievers, Setters and Terriers are mostly prone to different allergic reactions. Whenever you see any of the d og allergies symptoms , you should find time to get deep into the cause of infection. Bacterial or yeast infection is common in dogs. However, there are other conditions as well. Some get an infection from cold, dust, mold, pollen and even food. If you love your dog, then do not ever smoke in front of him as smoking causes a severe problem in some breeds.

Dogs may also develop an infection from medicines. Therefore, keep an eye on him as soon as you introduce any new medicine to his body. Inform the doctor, if there is any medicinal allergy so that he can provide better treatment. Also, use soaps and shampoos that are safe for your pet. Just using any shampoos or soaps can affect his skin adversely and he may show signs of allergy. When you are getting a dog into your home, you should have the responsibility of treating him well. Always consider pets as your family member and treat them with care.

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