Top 8 Knee Braces for Arthritis

Top 8 Knee Braces for Arthritis

Studies have indicated that knee arthritis inflicts men and women with impunity. The problem gets compounded in old age. Wearing knee braces can lessen the stress of this pain and will help people suffering from arthritis to lead a better life.

Knee braces cannot be considered as the ultimate solution for arthritis but will definitely be a viable solution for pain reduction when paired alongside regular exercise and medication.

These knee braces for arthritis are of following types.

  • Basic knee sleeve braces
  • Advanced knee braces for arthritis
  • Unloaded knee braces for arthritis

These easy-to-wear, as well as easy-to-clean knee braces for arthritis, are recommended for patients who suffer from mild pain which might increase if some activity is done. If worn on a regular basis, these help in reducing pain and swelling.

Here’s how a knee brace helps control arthritis.

Reduction in pain and inflammation
Knee braces help in reducing pain emitting from arthritis and keep the joints warm in most of the cases. These also provide some cushioning which also helps in reduction of pain and inflammation.

Encourages patients to exercise
Arthritis does not a have a definite medicine, and regular exercise is the only viable way to reduce pain and inflammation. By wearing a knee brace, the patients feel encouraged to exercise more since it reduces the pain and they can concentrate on exercising.

Encourages patients to reduce the medicine intake
In a research study published in The American Journal of Orthopedics, it has come out that people who use knee braces for arthritis have taken a fairly less over the counter anti-inflammatory drugs. This reduction in their medicine intake came within six months of them using these braces.

These braces have also encouraged patients to shed the need of undergoing a surgery since the incidence of pain reduced considerably after using these knee braces.

Here are some of the most-used knee braces for arthritis.

  • Ultra Flex knee compression brace
    These knee braces for arthritis have compression sleeves which can be customized as per the need of the patient. These fit best with patients who require heavy support in completing their exercise schedule.
  • Kinetics Knee brace support
    This knee brace is customizable and offers advanced knee support. A key advantage of this knee brace support is that it has an open patella and can be used by people who exercise a lot. In other words, this knee brace support fits patients who are looking for knee braces which can help them exercise without any hindrance. This knee brace support is rated among the best of knee braces for arthritis.
  • Bracoo knee stabilizer
    This knee brace comes with an open patella support and has an adjustable strap. It can be adjusted up to 18’’ and is considered a viable option by those who exercise a lot to reduce arthritis-related pain.
  • Winzone’s knee support sleeve
    This knee brace is for patients who require a plus size brace to reduce their arthritis-related pain. Sportspersons prefer to use this kind of knee brace during their sporting activity. This knee brace is light and is relatively easy to wear. This knee brace also finds favor with many people suffering from arthritis.
  • MaxSelf knee brace
    This a wrap around knee brace and offers customizable support as it has an open patella. This knee brace is for people who prefer to wear a lightweight variant during any sporting activity or during exercise.
  • Tech Ware Pro knee brace
    This is a lightweight knee brace which can be customized as per the requirement. This knee brace also has an open patella and suits people who prefer to run during morning or evening hours. This knee brace supports them a lot during walking or while doing strenuous workouts.
  • Medized hinged knee brace
    This is a double metal hinged brace and comes with bands which can be self-adjusted. This knee brace is for patients who suffer from moderate knee pain. This brace has self-adjusting straps which can be pulled or pushed apart as per the imminent need.
  • Unloader knee brace
    This is a slim and lightweight knee brace and can be used by patients who suffer from moderate to high knee arthritis pain. The ease of use of this knee brace is its biggest additive which has made it very popular.

Choosing the best knee brace
With a range of knee braces for arthritis as listed above in the market, it is indeed a tough task finding the most appropriate knee brace. The choice of knee brace should ideally depend on a combination of factors which include cost, size, the location of the pain and severity of arthritis.

These above-listed knee braces for arthritis will suffice in most of the cases. However, for patients who suffer from the severest category of arthritis, a custom-fitted brace is the best option to try.

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