Top 8 Websites to Find a Doctor

Top 8 Websites to Find a Doctor

With the growth in technology, finding a doctor has become easy and can be done by the tap of a finger. Gone are the days when you had to track down doctors from their numbers, visit hospitals or get help from one of your peers for the same. In fact, there are so many websites that help you find a doctor that you get confused about settling on one. About 20 years from today, most of us relied on friends and family to give help us find a doctor. Visiting a doctor brings about many questions along with it, but with the power of databases and online availability of information, we have a better choice of getting the answers to our questions.

With the number of doctor review sites rising every day, let us look at some websites that help us find a doctor as well as give us reviews for doctors.

ZocDoc is a leading website, with the goal to reduce the waiting time at doctor’s clinic. You can not only find a doctor from this website but also get a review for the doctor and then decide accordingly. They have a searchable database that includes specialties, a range of services, photographs and office locations of the doctor, educational background as well as user-submitted reviews. ZocDoc helps you find a doctor as they pay fees to be a part of the listing on the website.

Most of us know Yelp as a customer-driven reviews site; Yelp has an entire section dedicated to health and fitness as well as doctors and health practitioners. There is an average of 89 million users on the website, thereby making it really to trust the reviews provided subsequently making it easier for you to find a doctor. Along with the website, the reviews posted on Yelp also reflect on the Apple Maps, also giving it a high value in the mobile search.

WebMD was founded in 1996, and it went by the names of Healthscape and Healtheon in the past. It is known equally for its doctor reviews as well as its symptoms checker. By February 2014, WebMD had recorded about 156 million unique visitors every month. The WebMD Health Network is a large network and operates multiple health-related sites including WebMD Health. WebMD also has a magazine that is published bi-monthly to almost 85% of the physician waiting rooms. The magazine is a patient-directed publication.

Healthgrades has a whopping number of people relying on them for doctor reviews, there are about 1 million people that access the website every day. The site allows you to find a doctor, compare, and connect with the doctors as well as other healthcare professionals. Healthgrades also runs partner sites like and They provide a detailed background for the doctors including their name, number, medical school, and age. It also shows you how many of them have a no sanction or malpractice.

RateMDs have over 2 million ratings for doctors listed on their website, it is a primary source for all health-related information including up-to-date data on the doctors. It also has information on the latest health trends and the medical specialties. Like the other websites, RateMDs also hosts a library that shares the basic information for various medical conditions.

Top Doctors
This website is a newcomer to the online review space for physicians. It is a simple website that provides you with details on how to find a doctor, reviews, and ratings for users and some basic doctor information. As this is a new website, they do not have as many users as the other websites but they are growing slowly as they have been reviewed as a reliable source. You can also search on this website according to Doctor Specialty and Location. They allow doctors to create a profile for free, so it works as a plus for many doctors who wish to extend their online presence. goes by the slogan, “vitals change the game”. The main aim of this website is to crunch the numbers and provide quality care at low costs to their users. They claim to have an average savings of $600 per procedure. They do not focus as much on the customer reviews as other websites, they rely more on their data. They used 64 data points on every provider. They are essentially relying on a unique approach of helping you find a doctor.

Care Dash
Just like Top Doctors, Car Dash is also relatively new to the doctor review sites. They have already mastered up to a database of 25,000 doctors and seem to be adding new ones every week. They believe to build a unique approach by providing transparency to their customers and they do not receive payments for online reviews. Along with their primary services, they also provide articles on health and care which help you learn more.

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