Top Probiotics for Four Types of IBS

Top Probiotics for Four Types of IBS

What is the meaning of the term “probiotics”? It means the bacteria that we consume particularly for health benefits. Our gut or large intestine contains a lot of bacteria, and they are collectively known as the microbiome. The microbiome consists of more than 1000 various species of bacteria, and they can be divided into individual strains. Probiotics can change the balance of the bacteria available in the gut, and they are made of one or more strains. If you can consume the right species based on the already existing bacteria in the gut, they can deliver some good results.

Probiotics help you treat irritable bowel syndrome effectively.
Various studies suggest that approximately 15% of the population is suffering from irritable bowel syndrome or IBS. IBS infected people show irregular bowel habits, and other symptoms include abdominal pain, constipation, diarrhea, and bloating. Probiotics are being extensively used in the treatment of IBS. What are the best probiotics for IBS? The most popular and well-researched species are Bifidobacteria and Lactobacilli. Shortage of these two species can always be associated with IBS patients.

Best probiotics for IBS with constipation
People, who suffer from constipated issues, can take a natural supplement containing probiotic strain known as Bifidobacterium lactis BB-12. Various clinical studies have been conducted on this strain of probiotics. It can be described as the most researched strain in the entire family of Bifidobacteria. Most of the studies have shown that this strain is extremely beneficial to get rid of constipation and encourage good bowel movements. Supplements containing Bifidobacterium lactis also improves gut health, and they are an excellent source of fiber because of the presence of Fructooligosaccharides.

Most effective probiotics for IBS with diarrhea
If you are suffering from frequent diarrhea, you can select Saccharomyces boulardii. It is a proven product to deliver the best support for improving gut health and several clinical studies back the advantages of this product. It is a distinct probiotic microorganism. It is a kind of yeast, and in fact, the only one to be described as a probiotic. More than 50 years of research substantiate the merits of this probiotic and several hospitals have been using these probiotics for IBS with diarrhea. Doctors also advise using a general probiotic formula that contains friendly bacteria in combination with S. boulardii. It is mainly because different properties can be linked with S. boulardii in comparison with friendly bacteria. This transient probiotic moves through the gut without remaining there for a long time, and it does not colonize in the gut. When S. boulardii helps you get rid of IBS with diarrhea, the supplement containing friendly bacteria is going to colonize in the gut for an extended period to improve the general gut health.

Most beneficial probiotics for IBS with bloating
Many people who are suffering from IBS also experience bloating. It can be a frustrating situation to undergo. The bloating flares up at some occasions and the main triggers that aggravate the condition include consumption of certain types of foods and stress. If you want to prevent and alleviate bloating, you must take probiotics such as Lactobacillus acidophilus Rosell-52 and Lactococcus lactis Rosell-1058. These products create two enzymes called α-glucosidase and ß-galactosidase to assist with the digestion of foods. The enzyme α-glucosidase improves the process of digesting starch and ß-galactosidase enhances the process of digesting lactose. As stated above, stress aggravates bloating and these probiotics lower the negative effects associated with stress on the body. This method of approach brings the best relief for IBS people who are facing the discomforts connected with bloating.

High-quality probiotics for IBS with alternating digestive symptoms
Some people with IBS have to deal with alternating diarrhea and constipation. For a good number of days, they may experience constipation and when the bowels achieve the right movements, they are compelled to visit the toilet too often until the bowels settle down again. This condition is called IBS-M. M stands for a mixed type. In such a situation, you can take high-quality probiotics for IBS called Bifidobacterium lactis Bi-07 and Lactobacillus acidophilus NCFM. These types of products lower abdominal distension, abdominal cramps and bloating. If you take these strains in combination, they are extremely effective to cure IBS.

Every individual is unique and different. You can say that different gut floras can be associated with different IBS conditions. When it comes to choosing the best probiotics for IBS, it is a matter of trial and error to identify the best species and strains that meet the unique needs of an individual. You can mix and match various products, and it is the most effective method of meeting your specific needs.

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