Treat Heart Afib Naturally with These Simple Steps

Treat Heart Afib Naturally with These Simple Steps

Boost your health the natural way with these heart Afib treatment options.

Heart Afib or atrial fibrillation is a condition characterized by irregularly fast heartbeats. It is a type of arrhythmia. For people with normal heart functions, the heart contracts and expands at a regular pace producing a regular heartbeat. However, for someone with heart Afib, the upper two chambers of the heart, known as the atria, pump blood at a much faster pace than the lower two chambers, known as the ventricles. The chaotic and irregular beating of the two upper chambers produces beats that are not in synchronization with the lower two chambers. As compared to normal heartbeats that range from 60-100 beats every minute, people with Afib record heart rates from 100-175 per minute. Other than causing irregular flow of blood to your body, heart Afib may also result in complications such as blood clots in the heart, plaque build-ups, etc. According to the National Heart Association, more than 2.7 people in the United States alone suffer from heart Afib.

Heart Afib Treatment Plans

Symptoms of heart Afib include fatigue and weakness, heart palpitations, dizziness, chest pain, shortness of breath, etc. Not only does heart Afib reduce your quality of life, but it is also a risk factor for a number of other conditions such as a stroke. When it comes to treating heart Afib, doctors advise treatment options depending on what the cause of Afib is in every case. For example, if your heart Afib is being caused due to asthma/COPD, hyperthyroidism, etc., then the treatment plan will include specifically targeted treatment for the underlying problem. In general, treatment plans include conventional allopathic medication. However, many people find that the effect of medication on their heart Afib is not as profound as they would like it to be. This is primarily due to the fact that there are certain lifestyle challenges that are exacerbating the problem.

Learn how to boost your health and treat heart Afib naturally with these simple steps:

  • Avoid Stimulants

Stimulants such as caffeine and energy drinks, etc. are used to energize the central nervous system. However, if you have heart Afib, that might be a problem. These stimulants work by increasing your heart rate, and are best avoided. Steer clear of caffeine, energy drinks, alcohol, OTC weight loss medications, and smoking. These substances are known to over-stimulate the heart, leading to palpitations, dizziness, as well as chest pain. Studies show that smoking, in particular, causes a highly negative impact on your heart making you twice as likely to develop heart problems as compared to those who do not smoke.

  • Change Your Diet

If you are hoping to manage your health better, your diet has to come under focus. For people with heart Afib, there are certain substances that you need to eat more of such as green vegetables, fruits, lean meats, cold water fish, and food stuffs that provide adequate quantities of magnesium, potassium, and calcium . On the other hand, you need to avoid eating too much salt in your diet – stick t sodium substitutes and herbs to flavor your food.

  • Exercise

This point cannot be stressed enough – exercising boosts your overall heart health, and may directly lower your risk of atrial fibrillation. Maintaining an ideal body weight, as well as trimming your waistline can help your control your heart Afib. However, remember that you should not overdo exercise. Consult a health professional who will help you chalk out the amount of exercise and rest that your body needs to thrive.

  • Opt for Alternative Therapies

Along with these lifestyle changes, there are a few natural alternative therapies that can help you treat your heart Afib problem. Ensure that you are approaching only licensed professionals who have experience in providing any of these alternative therapies.

Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese therapy that is known to have positive effects on controlling heart Afib and arrhythmia. Practicing regular yoga offers a number of health benefits which include stress reduction and improvement in overall cardiovascular health. Lastly, biofeedback therapy has proven effective in boosting overall health and reducing heart Afib symptoms naturally. Biofeedback includes different techniques such as muscular relaxation, deep breathing, guided imagery, etc.

Before you start any new therapy or make a major lifestyle change, speak to your doctor. These simple changes can help you control the symptoms of heart Afib, and enable you to lead a healthy and more fulfilling life.

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